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The Book Of Life

evil men and women of cork ireland proper dead dead gone gone

In the name of Jesus Christ the following are some facts of life amen:

  • Don’t use ranch as a side dressing with fries or any other meal, this is a mistake.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ the Chinese AI app DeepSeek going to number 1 in the Apple store on January 26th 2025 proved to be another huge growth for artificial intelligence again worldwide, not only in the East, but in the West too as China began to bring the heat in the AI race in 2025 and beyond as they are now even getting their AI start ups into Western owned platform’s like Apple’s Apple store to number one. Another proof that AI is not only here to stay but is exploding in exponential growth now every day that goes by internationally worldwide — and a great thing for the West to try to compete with China and a huge wake up call for Meta, Grok, Microsoft and Google to a lesser extent. Google have literally poured billions, maybe over 100 billion dollars at this point and their Gemini is garbage compared to Microsoft — Microsoft are truly light years ahead of Google — so are Meta and Elon Musk. Google’s board and shareholders must be watching the carnage at Google unfold in live time in early 2025 with amazement, they literally blew over 100 billion bucks so far on a crappy product that Microsoft, X and Meta — and now China — are annihilating into oblivion. The Indian CEO of Google or at least someone’s head at Google Gemini development will roll in 2025, without question. The above move from China history will show in 2025 was a big wake up call for the West into competing with the East in AI in the decades ahead — as the AI industry really took off in growth in early 2025 in bigger growth as an industry more than ever before seen in human history — growing and taking off on a rapid daily rate faster and faster as the days went by in 2025. The growth of AI will only accelerate on a daily basis worldwide in all countries. Open source it all amen.
  • Michael Jordan: “What is love? Love is playing every game like it’s your last.”
  • Renowned writers on Jordan: “He was homicidally competitive. His entire life revolved around just beating other people.”
  • Michael Jordan: “Limits, like fear, is often an illusion.”
  • Michael Jordan: “Being Michael Jordan means acting the same as I always have”
  • Michael Jordan: “There’s only one Michael Jordan”
  • Wikipedia is often an inaccurate, false, far left website.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ Ireland and England’s governments lost all their privileges with not only America but all countries official governments around the world in 2025 as no white Irish or white English motherfuckers in either’s incompetent shitty governments got invited to the White House for Patrick’s Day 2025 amen. 209. This cut off with governments around the world continued until a time both their countries and the rest of the planet made sure all the evil was finally removed from their shitty 5 evil small towns/places specifically and precisely of the Donegal, Cork, Tralee, Killarney and Cornwall places specifically in both their 2 countries. The end.
  • Conor McGregor being the only person from Ireland invited to the Trump Inauguration in 2025 tells you everything, heck of a guy McGregor, kudos. Good luck to him.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) was crooked garbage. Good riddance.
  • The New York Times was crooked garbage. The death of the New York Times in 2025 was no loss to America. Good riddance. So long. Have a good trip.
  • CNN in America was crooked Satanic garbage. Good riddance. In 2025 the loss of CNN was no loss to America, Fox a way better network. So long CNN. Have a good trip.
  • Don’t go to America at the moment as it is too evil and dangerous. Satan actually wants people to go to America at the moment and hell hole’s like California which are burning in 2025 and has done in recent years. Wait until at least after Trump’s 2nd term to go to America for anyone thinking of going to work or to live in America as Donald Trump will be annihilating the evil within America over the next four years at a rapid daily rate.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ 2025 was the year Irish Satanist President Michael D. Higgins came to an end as the old fart was put out to pasture once and for all by people from all countries, all organizations, and all official governments in the East and West on the planet who deemed him no longer appropriate to be Irish President as some mysterious illness or unexplained event removed him at some point in the future amen. So long.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ 2025 was the year Hungarian Satanist George Soros (born György Schwartz) came to an end as the old fart was put out to pasture once and for all by people from all countries, all organizations, and all official governments in the East and West on the planet who deemed him no longer appropriate as some mysterious illness or unexplained event removed him at some point in the future amen. So long.
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) was anti-Christ-driven language and Satanic garbage. Good riddance.
  • Congrats to Open AI, Microsoft, Elon Musk and more on winning the AI race and Google losing big with Trump and the US government’s award in the five-hundred billion dollar star gate AI project. Good riddance Google Gemini you crooked piece of garbage. You lose. Microsoft, Musk, Meta and others win.
  • Brian Clough from the UK was an underestimated genius.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ those small number of Irish people precisely in Ireland, both private citizens and/or civil servants, responsible for defamation and libel against Dublin’s Conor McGregor in 2024 and 2025, will pay serious, serious instant consequences in 2025 of all appropriate types — from appropriate people in all countries and from all countries’ official State governments amen.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ as 2025 marks the speedy end of all new aid to Ukraine as the war will be over or paused soon or something will happen in 2025 with Trump and other countries — further to Germany, Poland, Czech Republic and many European countries already in January 2025 setting up official Ukrainian return centres in 2025 to send back all Ukraine refugees in 2025 and other European countries will follow the same and do this now as the war will at least be paused or over at some point in 2025, Trump will help resolve it one way or another, and Ukraine and the Ukraine government said anyway in January 2025 they want and need all their refugees back anyway as they have a population collapse in their country now amen.
  • This from Conor McGregor in February 2025 proved how genuine he was in the end and the following data and information can be checked and confirmed by anyone, the hammer of justice is on its way quickly in 2025:

This year, in 2025, I will have completed over 300 homes built toward social housing in Ireland. All my own money. There was a lie being spread against me (nothing new there) that these houses were for rent to buy. It spread feverishly and people eat it up and attempt to attack me like it was fact yet it is full on LIES. People need to wake up to the systematic attack that has been going on against me for many years. All of the homes I have built have been social housing to aid in Ireland’s housing crisis which I am very passionate about helping. I have been on the ground many times, day and night, assisting in supporting so many of these causes that affect our most vulnerable people. The profit on the decision to build social housing building is next to zero and I was advised massively against starting these projects. As well as no profit it is incredible high risk to complete these project to the best spec. But the feeling of knowing that I will have helped a family currently homeless or in hostels get their family home is priceless! I’ve been doing this years! I built homes and got them built in time in time for Christmas where families with children who had been without a home got housed in their forever home just in time for Christmas. That’s magical! They can say what they want, twist my words to a different meaning, lie on my name, but it will never work. I am as real as it gets. True blood Irish I would and will give my last breath for my country. My God, my family, my Country! Vote McGregor and I am telling you, Ireland’s housing crisis, homeless crisis, illegal immigration crisis, corruption practices and lack of accountability of those inside the Oireachtas will all be corrected! I promise massive success rates! My record is incredibly strong here in these brackets. I have supported immensely each one and highlighted many times the incredible and shocking amounts of ineptitude by those in power. It’s a must. I will need you to support me to save our country. SAVE IRELAND, VOTE MCGREGOR

  • In the name of Jesus Christ those small number of civil servants and in government in Ireland responsible for the mass illegal immigration and migration into that tiny country that cannot house the existing population, and has been full for over a decade in reality, and those that continue to allow refugees to come to Ireland in 2025 at an illegal mass rate, will will pay serious, serious instant consequences in 2025 of all appropriate types — from appropriate people in all countries and from all countries’ official State governments amen.
  • Never think there is anything wrong with helping refugees or those feeling war but not when countries are already full and they are put ahead of the citizens already there.
  • People going to other countries to work, start businesses or contribute to the country they go to are not migrants or refugees going to other countries as freeloaders. Never mistake these two. Nothing wrong with foreign people going to any country they want to legally or contributing to the country they go to. Good for them.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ any civil servant or government workers across the USA that the DOGE government department find in 2025 are on small salaries of $100,000 to $375,000 yearly and have mysteriously accumulated unexplained tens of millions of dollars in wealth will be hunted down in 2025 like the dogs they are and removed and no judge or court in the USA will get in the way amen.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ no crooked judge who is a wacktivist or anything else or bent court official in any State in the USA will get in the way of Trump or Musk or the DOGE department weeding out all evil, Satanism, fraud, abuse, wastage and corruption in government in 2025 and will be assisted if needs be by all US agencies working together, the DOJ and the Supreme Court, as well as other foreign governments deemed appropriate to help the US government and new US administration were deemed appropriate by the US government in the process of draining the swamp in the USA in 2025 amen.
  • Never mistake self defence with retaliation or revenge. Self defence is more than appropriate when called upon. Please consult believers of God for what time it is in that regard. What time is it? There you go.
  • Never show mercy, sympathy, empathy or compassion to Satan or Satanists in life. Never. Ever. Big mistake. Satanists are the 0.0001 per cent of evil in society that cause all the issues in the countries in the world you see around you know. They are (like Satan is too) terrified of Jesus Christ, God. Always crush them like a bug as a believer of God, you have the authority. Elephants don’t beef with ants/peasants. They dance on their heads.
  • To all the Satanist liberals and Satanist far left radical extremists and the likes of Antifa rioting after Trump’s day one sweeping Presidential executive orders who have seen their years, maybe decades of work, be ended over night, to the same people dropping like flies, you lose, not just in America, but worldwide in the East and West too. The first 24 hours were nothing and you have no idea of the level of true mayhem and true annihilation ahead of evil only. Very good. The general mayhem of evil is really coming along nicely now. Good always defeats evil of course. What Trump achieved in the first 24 hours has never before being seen but he knows what to do worldwide as the days go on — as his actions get faster and more precise every 24 hours that go by in the second term. All in all, we told you so, once again. So long Mel — have a good trip.
  • Enjoy every day of life here on Earth because it is very short compared to heaven, the 1000 year reign and heaven on the Earth again. Don’t count the days — make the days count (Muhammad Ali).
  • 2025 is the year Donald Trump’s 2nd term as President of the USA starts and is the year of justice and true retribution. Watch and see. Just like everything we call always comes to pass and proves right as usual, 99 per cent of the time that is, so will this.
  • Kyiv in Ukraine and St. Petersburg in Russia both get a bad wrap but both are good cities. Ukraine and Russia are separate countries and both places and all their peoples deserve sovereignty and total freedom.
  • North Korea and South Korea will be united as one Korea again in the future at some point. Uniting the people of North Korea and South Korea will happen at some point in the future. Make Korea great again.
  • That Conor McGregor quote on a Derry man and MMA fighter in Ireland was taken out of context in early 2025, rubbish, of course McGregor is not a partitionist or West Brit and of course at some point will advocate for a united Ireland. See McGregor’s thoughts on the limitations of the EU previously.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ Derry in Ireland will be free sooner than it might think. Of course there will be a united Ireland and Ireland will be fine. Grand. That evil garbage Cork place in Southern Ireland however will have had the rest of the evil removed from it rapidly and 100 per cent totally & completely in early 2025 amen.
  • Warsaw, Gydnia, Krakow in Poland and Paris in France turned to garbage in recent times. Avoid them until they are reformed.
  • Germany is an infinitely better country than its neighbour France, it always was. Italy is far batter than France too. The hope from the rest of the civilized world after France’s calamity for its country at the 2024 Olympics, the worst Olympics in history due to the nation of France, that France will once again be a beautiful place like it was before — when the evil is rid from it once and for all.
  • Switzerland is a very shady place, some good people from there but again, extremely dark and shady place in the last 50 years or so. It will be built up into a great place again however in the future.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ the second term of US President Donald Trump behind the scenes will finally mark the long awaited end of the route of the true evil within of the US which is the organization and the evil men and evil women of the Satanic Temple in Salem Massachusetts amen.
  • Remember who has the keys — Jesus Christ and who Jesus Christ dwells in — it sure as s*** is not some internet pastor — that’s for sure. Best Regards.
  • The Revelation Jesus Christ in the end times has a different job to the Jesus Christ who was here in the flesh over 2000 years ago. He is not some guy on a cross forgiving evil. He here to make war with evil. Read your Bible and Book of Revelation at the end for further reference. Jesus Christ is the King in the end times.
  • The Pharisees brought stones; the Book of Revelation Jesus brought bullets, professional hitmen and samurai swords.
  • Never make peace with evil or mend relationship with evil or Satan, destroy them and destroy the evil. Previous response applies. 209.
  • Most of the Satanists now not been wiped out by God, or even by Satan (that’s how little Satan thinks of the 0.0001 per cent of evil people who follow him) are getting terminally sick with things like cancer or disgusting leg infections as a slow punishment from God for following Satan, either way, the 0.0001 per cent of evil in society is either being destroyed and destroying themselves and everyone else is delighted. Nobody wants Satanists around. They are the minority. So long Mel, have a good trip.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ once saved you cannot get unsaved that’s it you are going to heaven end of. Moreover, on some of these false prophets that Jesus said would come in the end times when he was here in the flesh, even Jesus Christ will tell you at the moment even he is saying ‘f*** you’ to these small number of fat headed white motherf***** Nephilim Texan Satanist pastors with their bull crap saying things like oh please forgive, oh please show mercy, too late a******. Your offer is rejected. F*** you Texas motherf******. Hammer of justice time in 2025. The US federal government, CIA, FBI and Pentagon says hello to your evil, corrupt, bent, crooked, criminal States, as do governments and private people not just in America. So long. Texas and California will both be reformed in the new America from the garbage hell holes both States have become over the last 30 or 40 years amen.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ 2025 will be finally the year that these tiny number of false prophet white American internet pastors get cut down once and for all in the United States. The people of America laughed on when these idiots finally got what was coming to them. So long amen.
  • JFK’s daughter Caroline Kennedy is an evil Satanist lying idiot and John F Kennedy is turning in his grave at her from heaven above in 2025. The appropriate people and government personnel will deal with that idiot in due course. No good.
  • Edward Snowden is a fearless American hero give him back his American passport.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ Southern US pastor Robert Breaker is genuine and preaches the blood of Jesus Christ as salvation. However internet pastors fat Texans John Hagee of Hagee Ministries and Kevin Jackson of Living Christian both of Texas are idiots who 2025 will see cut down. Even Jesus is saying that. Amen.
  • The far radical extreme left and woke small screaming into the void brigade is garbage that finally came to an end in 2025 worldwide. Billions around the world already agree on this. Not just the millions on X and other social media platforms. They are a spent force. Good riddance. The end of them complete. The fake Twitter and social media accounts often have no real people behind them, hence, no credibility and are of no worth or value.
  • Peace is always available to everyone and is totally free, true peace and happiness can only come from God. It is there right now for you if you want it. God never changes. Peace is not the absence of conflict. This is a mistake.
  • The final anti-Christ during his 7 year reign of evil on Earth likely will be nearly killed or shot per Bible prophecies and the Bible but will somehow survive this and then proclaim himself as God, once again, little crow boy Satan trying to copy Jesus Christ to mimic the resurrection of Christ and God raising him from the dead. Everything from Satan is counter fit, the ultimate con man – Lucifer/Satan.
  • Narcissist arrogant women sometimes is a sign of evil Satanist spirits in them. Use discernment when picking a wife. Remember now, Satanists are only the 0.001 per cent of society but still be shrewd, chase nothing in life.
  • On some notes on getting inside the head of Satan and some of his false sense of community, his real name being Lucifer, and the 0.001 per cent of evil Satanist men and Satanist women on Earth of evil compared to everyone else — to note on how to avoid these tiny number of people compared to everyone else — lets go right here:


The concept of Satan mocking himself is not a common one in traditional religious texts. Here are a few possible interpretations, keeping in mind they are based on interpretations and not literal descriptions:

  • A Reflection of His Despair: If Satan is aware of his ultimate defeat and impending doom, self-mockery could be a manifestation of his despair and the absurdity of his situation. He is a funny twisted little piece of garbage, after all.
  • A Psychological Defense Mechanism: Self-deprecation can sometimes be a defence mechanism to deflect attention from deeper insecurities or anxieties. False comedy and false humor is also a similar defence mechanism in this aspect which specifically and precisely Satanist men and Satanist women in Southern Ireland in Cork try to use a lot, to their own detriment internally and psychologically actually harming themselves with, suppressing or drowning out their own depression symptoms and causing them to turn to alcohol, prescription medication or drugs. They use these things to escape reality and life which they loath, Satanists that is, in general, they are essentially dead inside upon analysis. These people have nothing in them, essentially. The truth is life is good and peace is there from God for free anytime. The truth is these people, these tiny 0.001 per cent of society these evil Satanists know God and the Bible is real and the truth and their concisions won’t let them suppress or stop this fact and truth as they know God, Jesus Christ and the Bible is the only truth that they can never change. No one gets passed God. Heaven or Hell is the meaning of life and it is that simple.
  • A Form of Manipulation: As for little crow boy, Satan, mocking himself could be a tactic to lower his guard or lull others into a false sense of security.

Satan’s self-mockery could be a subtle form of manipulation:

  • Inflating the Ego: By portraying himself as a pathetic, defeated figure, Satan could subtly inflate the egos of those he interacts with. This creates a sense of superiority and control, making individuals feel more powerful and less likely to suspect his true intentions. God examines the heart, motives and intentions of people.
  • Disarming Correct Suspicion: Self-deprecation can disarm appropriate suspicion. If someone believes Satan to be a buffoonish, impotent figure, they are less likely to be vigilant against his influence (be sober and vigilant etc). This allows him to operate more freely, subtly guiding individuals towards his desired outcomes. Sometimes he may let some people win, gambling, give people money and so on, but only as part of something else, that’s where the insidious nattier of him comes from. Cunning yes. Baffling no. Simply evil garbage.
  • Creating a False Sense of Security: By appearing weak and laughable, Satan can lull people into a false sense of security. They may underestimate his cunning and underestimate the danger he poses, making them more susceptible to his temptations and manipulations.

Satan’s self-mockery is a calculated strategy, a deliberate attempt to deceive and manipulate others into underestimating him and his true power but again — which is limited by God and he is only as powerful as you let him be. Satan is an ant compared to an elephant in God — in terms of power. Keep that in mind.

If Satan mocks himself as a form of manipulation, the tactic serves as a disarming strategy. By appearing self-effacing, he can create an illusion of humility, vulnerability, or relatability, which can be especially effective in lulling others into a false sense of security. Test and question everything up front with this scenario. As regards why he does this, or Satanists do this in the first place, this approach not only reduces the immediate perception of danger but also allows him to subtly massage people’s egos, leading them to overlook or rationalize his true nature and intentions. Here’s an expanded look at this dynamic:

1. Projecting Relatability

  • How it Works: By mocking himself, Satan may appear less threatening and more like someone who understands the flaws and struggles of humanity, after all Satan is a humanist and socialist, isn’t he? haha When he comes as a fake socialist as the final anti-Christ before bringing about his mark of the beast technology in the final three and a half years of his reign on Earth with many fake solutions to humanity’s problems. This false and fake relatability can make people feel comfortable, as they see him as less of an antagonist and more of a companion in imperfection.
  • Impact on Ego: People may feel validated by his self-mockery, interpreting it as a sign of shared humanity or understanding. This validation can make them drop their guard, failing to recognize the subtle manipulations at play.

2. Deflecting Suspicion

  • How it Works: Self-mockery shifts attention away from Satan’s motives or actions by focusing on his perceived shortcomings. This can make people think, “Surely someone who mocks himself so openly isn’t trying to deceive me.”
  • Impact on Ego: It plays into a sense of superiority in others, as they feel they are smarter or more perceptive than the one mocking himself. This confidence blinds them to the deeper schemes being orchestrated.

3. Flattering the Perception of Intelligence

  • How it Works: By mocking himself, Satan can present himself as someone who doesn’t take himself too seriously, appearing witty or intelligent in his humility. This intellectual appeal can charm others into thinking they’re engaging with someone harmless or even enlightening.
  • Impact on Ego: People who view themselves as rational or discerning may see Satan’s self-mockery as a sign of sophistication or harmless rebellion. They may even admire his “candidness,” believing they are too clever to be deceived.

4. Encouraging Complicity

  • How it Works: Self-mockery can invite others to laugh with him, creating a sense of camaraderie. By inviting others into the joke, he fosters a bond that lowers their defenses.
  • Impact on Ego: This shared humor can make people feel “in on it,” reinforcing a sense of trust. They may begin to see him as an ally rather than an adversary, making them more susceptible to his influence. On the anti-Christ the following Lion of Judah YouTube video breaks down likely how the Anti-Christ will come to the world:

5. Masking Malevolence

  • How it Works: A self-mocking demeanor can obscure his true nature, making him seem more approachable or benign. This false humility can be particularly effective in making others dismiss warnings or doubts about his intentions.
  • Impact on Ego: Those who interact with him may feel reassured by his apparent lack of self-importance, interpreting his behavior as harmless rather than insidious. This reassurance can blind them to subtle acts of manipulation.

6. Creating Cognitive Dissonance

  • How it Works: People expect evil to be overtly threatening, not self-deprecating. Satan’s self-mockery creates a mismatch between their expectations and his behavior, which can confuse their ability to discern his true nature.
  • Impact on Ego: This confusion can lead people to overcompensate by rationalizing his actions, convincing themselves that someone so seemingly “harmless” or “self-aware” couldn’t possibly have malevolent intentions.

7. Exploiting Sympathy/False ‘Empathy’ (The Latter, Along With ‘Compassion’ and ‘Peace and Love’ Are Terms Evil Loves To Exploit and Not Mean When They Use Them)

  • How it Works: Mocking himself may evoke pity or a sense of empathy, leading others to feel sorry for him. This emotional manipulation can make people overlook the darker aspects of his character.
  • Impact on Ego: Feeling sympathetic elevates others’ sense of moral superiority, as they believe they are being compassionate or understanding. This emotional involvement makes them less likely to scrutinize his behavior critically.

8. Setting a Trap for Arrogance

  • How it Works: By openly mocking himself, Satan may provoke a response in others that feeds their pride. If they believe they are better, stronger, or more virtuous than him, they may let their guard down.
  • Impact on Ego: The inflated ego that results from underestimating him makes people vulnerable to subtle manipulations. They may ignore warning signs, thinking they are too clever to fall for any deception.

Summary of Manipulative Effect:

Satan’s self-mockery acts as a tool to disarm, distract, and manipulate. By appealing to people’s egos through relatability, humor, or perceived humility, he creates an environment where his true nature and motives are obscured. People who feel validated, superior, or sympathetic are less likely to discern the evil they are engaging with, making them easier to manipulate. This tactic is especially effective because it turns their own pride and assumptions against them, subtly aligning them with his agenda without their awareness.

Satan’s use of a false sense of community in dialogue, and how an Antichrist might extend this concept during the prophesied final seven years of the current version of Earth, can be viewed as a sophisticated manipulation strategy. Both cases rely on exploiting humanity’s innate desire for belonging, security, and unity, but twist these instincts to serve a deceptive agenda. Here’s an exploration of this concept:

Satan’s Sometimes Adhoc Dialogue and His Illusion and False Sense of Community

Satan’s tactics often include fostering a fake sense of community through his dialogue, whether in theological narratives, literature, or cultural representations. This strategy involves:

  1. Appealing to Commonality
    • How It Works: Satan often speaks in ways that make individuals feel as though they share a common plight or struggle with him. He might emphasize shared frustrations, alienation, or desires, creating a bond that feels authentic but is deeply manipulative.
    • Example: In the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, Satan (in the form of the serpent) engages Eve by appealing to her curiosity and suggesting that God is withholding knowledge—a subtle way of positioning himself as an ally against a perceived common “oppressor.”
  2. Fostering an “Us vs. Them” Mentality
    • How It Works: By creating a sense of shared rebellion or resistance against divine authority or societal norms, Satan cultivates a feeling of solidarity among those he manipulates.
    • Impact: This tactic can make people feel empowered or validated, encouraging them to align with him under the guise of mutual support.
  3. Promising (Fake) Inclusion
    • How It Works: Satan may present himself as someone who accepts individuals as they are, contrasting this with the perceived exclusivity or strictness of divine principles. This false sense of inclusion lures people who feel judged or marginalized. Judge Satanist people every day of the week. They are evil garbage and represent the 0.001 per cent of evil in all of society. Screw them. Good riddance, evil garbage etc.
    • Example: On the above, this can be seen in stories where he offers forbidden knowledge or power, claiming to liberate individuals from constraints. Evil garbage as usual with him.


  • Sometimes the 0.001 per cent of evil people in society, Satanists, try to use their thumbs to attempt to curse/hex people. This simply never works. They do this by trying to twiddle their thumbs by pushing one thumb down with their other thumb. This never works and only brings bad energy on themselves, not others.
  • Politician Jeremy Corbyn in the UK is an evil man and bad guy who history will show in 2025 the people and authorities of England and around the world finally stood up to and removed as any influence in their society. The UK and all countries of the world laughed on and moved on without him.
  • Per above, once again, sometimes Satanist evil men and Satanist evil women, the tiny per centage in society, you can notice as evil despite their fake smiles but on the inside are like ravenous wolves devoid of peace, when they try to (and fail to) curse or hex people by pushing precisely their thumb down with another thumb — notice here how evil Jeremy Corbyn and evil Liz Truss (Truss quite likely is no longer of evil anymore in 2025 to note however) do this here — look at the placement of their thumbs — cooked and checkmate:
  • Satanists sometimes claim to be atheists.
  • Satanists (the 0.001 per cent of society) sometimes do the rapid thumb movement strange evil practice in disguise by putting their hands behind their backs pretending to be peaceful but still doing similar motions frantically with their thumb sometimes pushing their thumb down onto their index finger on the same hand to try to do some weird curse which never works in reality.
  • Satanists are what is wrong with all societies in all countries. These 0.001 per cent of bad people are the route of all countries problems. They hide they are sometimes well but not anymore in these times. Persecution of Satanists/evil spirits/wicked spirits people is correct.
  • Literally the only major world leaders in the entire world who did not get invited to the Trump inauguration on January 20th 2025 were UK leader Keir Starmer and Deputy leader Angela Rayner. Think about that. Think about how bad they messed up. That is proof England is now a spent force worldwide in all aspects. England is finished. The BBC is over. They need to get Satanism out of their tiny number of government civil servants, removed from the tiny number at the BBC and removed from some of the tiny number of MPs and take the power back in their country in 2025. The pound will keep them afloat amid the oblivion ahead for England as the people of England, MI5 and MI6 and the UK military will fight back against the small, tiny number of highly evil within their country.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ all illegal funding by now defunct broken up corrupted agency USAID to now defunct news old media demolished old former news media organizations such as The New York Times in the US and BBC in the UK — as well as to other spurious Satanist evil Irish arts agencies and another tiny number of shady people in Irish NGO’s precisely in the small country of Ireland will be immediately stopped and fully recouped to the US government, with all funding cancelled to these shady individuals, never to be done again. Good riddance to the BBC and New York Times. All payments from this crooked agency were immediately finished in 2025 amen.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ all official State governments and appropriate security organizations in 2025 will shut down all evil Satanist only Irish NGO organizations precisely in the nation of Ireland and any of their small timer affiliates anywhere on Earth amen.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ President Donald Trump and Elon Musk will continue to cut through corruption and evil in America’s government departments like a knife through butter in 2025 amen.
  • Anthony Blinken is a good Statesman, a good diplomat and is not evil like some suggest. He frankly has the patience of a saint which is better than most. How he tolerates some of that garbage is beyond belief. That said, the State Department in the US government for years has been badly run and moving forward in 2025 and beyond — all agencies in the US government, federal and State, will be made better by more communication and teamwork across all agencies. This not happening for years was a key mistake by the US. Probably the main mistake the US government made in the last century allowing for the national debt to get to near 40 trillion bucks in 2025 largely driven by California, no inter department/agency communication and some arrogance. The smartest thing the US ever did was, and still is, all their international foreign bases, people and teams all over the world in different countries. That, and some other stuff never in the news. China are trying to copy this quietly over the years. Ultimately, while China may try to take down some US infrastructure with cyber/DDOS attacks, it is highly unlikely, as their economy, the Chinese economy, is badly, badly, badly dependent on the US. China are no fools and have seen with the Chinese housing crisis between 2020 to 2025 (approximately) how badly the Chinese economy, and stock markets, badly need the US. That said, it is more likely that the Chinese government will continue to attack and wage cyber war against smaller weaker countries like the UK/England like they did in 2024 successfully per, likely websites such as the BBC and others and so on — until the UK reformed them and cleaned up their country finally of one or two bad apples internally.
  • Joe Biden on social media praising evil twisted Pope Francis in January 2025 was a huge mistake, it was only a PR thing, he knows how evil Pope Francis is. The cancelled trip to Francis and the Vatican in the same month was correct however. On the social media mishap, this was done by some worker on the Biden team — this team got finished shortly after and this mistake was never made by America again.
  • Following successful 2024 cyber attacks from official countries’ governments on other countries’ government associated websites, and social media accounts, cyber attacks sometimes referred to as but not limited to DDOS became known as official declarations of war in 2025 as per the updated international Legal Rules of War and Law of War during times of conflict or invasions on Earth. This proved to be common sense. War was already declared by a number of countries on other countries in 2024 by taking down government websites and so on of other countries. This update to the rules of war framework made total sense by the end of 2025 given the technological environment official State governments, citizens and private organizations all now live in. The legal international parameters and framework for Rules of War/the Law of War now account for land, sea, air and cyber per all appropriate international laws.
  • Arrogance and pride is the key flaw and weakness of Satan, real name Lucifer, attack him with it, bind him in the blood of Jesus Christ with it and use it against him. Pride comes before the fall.
  • Satan, real name Lucifer, his main strength is his patience. God is much more patient than him, however, which he knows.
  • Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
  • The reason Satan is so loud and angry now is he knows his time is short.
  • Loud people are often the weakest. It is an old saying but very true — the loudest man in the room is the weakest. Silence is golden.
  • Ireland and the UK are separate countries and always will be. Of course there will be a united Ireland, a united Scotland and a united Wales at some point. The economic cost of this is all that is stopping it for a while. The nations will go back to all being sovereign in the future when Jesus Christ returns to Earth.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ 2025 will be the year that the evil, garbage, bent, depraved Cork place in the Southern Ireland place will truly see true annihilation and removal of all remaining evil Satanist men and evil Satanist women only precisely in the Cork place in the Southern Ireland place amen.
  • On a geographical spiritual evil note, if you go back hundreds of years to witchcraft among a tiny number of evil men and evil women of Satanism in the countries of England, Scotland and Ireland it is interesting how some of it travelled from the very south of England near France in Cornwall, then right up to Glasgow in Scotland, then straight over the sea to Donegal in Ireland, then straight down again to Cork in Ireland. See the pattern. Think about wind also and how Satan tries to influence wind and rain in these countries and in this geography especially in Western Europe. There is almost a shape to Satan’s evil on the two islands in this geographical but spiritual, and cultural, aspect to his evil. Smart people finally connected the dots on this in 2025.
  • The witchcraft laws being abolished in England and Wales: 1736, Scotland: 1736 and in Ireland: 1821 was a mistake. Satanist men and Satanist women were always in the tiny minority (0.001 per cent of society) in all of history and society compared to everyone else and still are today but just make noise. Those laws were there for a reason. Bad guys used to know they were the bad guys (evil spirits). Evil is not tolerated anymore in 2025 and the war on evil was renewed by everyone else in society lead by believers of Jesus Christ, Muslims and Jews worldwide against the small number of 0.001 per cent of wicked/evil spirits men and wicked/evil spirits women who were removed as that was what time it was.
  • Sometimes using Satanist’s own flawed logic against them can be humorous and appropriate but never play them at their own game. On the prior, versus the latter, that is because there is no sense in anything they do. Simply put, be aware of it, sure, notice where the evil is, but after that, have nothing to do with evil. They know their logic and Satanism is a pack of lies of course. They always did. These tiny, tiny number of evil people in society compared to everyone else being ignored, and forgotten about, annoys and infuriates them most, before they either end themselves, or are ended. They all beg for forgiveness from God and ask God to save them when they are near the end. All of them. Every. Single. One. Too late.
  • Satan uses radio since the invention of the radio was created to distract people and tries to poison both air and air waves but can’t ultimately as he is only limited to by what God lets him do. For some reason more than any other form of media or invention Satan tries to manipulate the radio more than any else, most likely as it is similar to the air waves that he tries to manipulate in terms of wind and rain, and occasionally, combining these two in seas (remember the sea is four fifths of the world) to influence weather. That is why the weather forecast is never accurate and always changes as Satan does alter this a little bit but ultimately God has full control over it, he can only do so much, he is a an ant compared to God. Picture Satan/Lucifer’s ugly little head being bounced off the concrete by Michael Jordan over and over again for eternity. That pales in comparison to what God actually can, has done, and will do, to him. Seriously, fear God, there is nothing else to fear in life. At all.
  • Crows in the bird and animal kingdom often giveaway Satan’s plans as do loud moron Satanist men and Satanist women by crowing or squawking. Satan is smart but they are not, there is a huge difference, Satan gets rid of them regularly himself or else they end themselves or, in these times, God ends them forever.
  • This is unforgivable from the US Department of Denfense, sometimes known as The Pentagon, as pointed out and terminated by Elon Musk and the US DOGE department,

    “Reuters was literally paid by the federal government for “Large Scale Social Deception”. That’s literally what it says on the official government documents!!”

    DOD paying Reuters directly for social engineering is unforgivable. It is beyond disgusting. The American military is now a very weak, bent, evil set up because of bad policies by Miley. The above as pointed out by Elon Musk is not acceptable. China if they really wanted could wipe the floor with America at this point if they wanted to if not for God being on America’s side. The above payment from DOD to Reuters is not a part of defence or even part of modern warfare. There is no sense in it. This will not happen again. Both General Miley and former Secretary Austin will have questions to answer from the US government and governments around the world for the above. This will not happen again at the department. The end. Good to see the DOD and CIA being all reformed as we speak in 2025. Musk, Trump and others know who really runs America, they work for God, as do all the other nation’s governments and private organizations, in every country, worldwide. Very good. Even with the unbelievable unforgivable screw up with DOD and Reuters, showing corruption in the Pentagon and the Department of Defense transparently proven by Musk and DOGE department, and despite the tiny number (0.001 per cent of the population of America) of Satanists in America, and the worst Satanists who are US citizens who live in other countries around the world who try to spread their Satanism, an even tinier number than the above, the Pentagon and the DOD will always have the main man and boss man in their corner, as will America, until the end. God bless America.
  • God has all the power and always has. Believers of God, followers of Jesus Christ, Jews and Muslims worldwide are all, again, great friends, and all three together, billions of them, are doing the persecuting now of the tiny number of 0.001 per cent of evil Satanists in society worldwide. That is what time it is now as of 2025. Prophecies are only speeding up now on God’s time clock as regards the above as good, the billions of people between followers of Jesus Christ, Jews and Muslims all together in countries around the world to remove the tiny number of 0.001 per cent of evil Satanist men and evil Satanist women, rich and poor, worldwide, with the main emphasis put on precisely firstly on Cork in Southern Ireland first and foremost, then Donegal in Ireland 2nd, then Cornwall and some parts of England 3rd, then after that, simply some other random parts here and there around the planet 4th.
  • Good always defeats evil. It is inevitable. Always has and always will.
  • The term Zionism looks like a highly hard to understand, wanky, spurious term used, by the looks of it, both by far left fake social media accounts of no substance, no value or no worth and also possibly some Jews in Israel and Jews from other parts of the world as well. The term is very hard to understand even after research and likely Satan is using this once again to distract and distort information simply to distract people away from the meaning of life, which is — heaven or hell, where do you want to go. In these times Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven other than 144,000 Jews worldwide at the very end. Basically. The term Zionism is very shady as it appears to advocate for a Jewish State but one already exists in Israel so it is hard to see how something can advocate for something that already exists. That doesn’t make sense. All countries deserve sovereignty. Including Palestine and Israel. Maybe in the future Egypt can keep out of and remove completely out of Palestine in all aspects with a proper Palestine State but Jerusalem stays in Israel. Palestine surely will have its own State at some point but not run by Hamas or terrorists which Israel surely will want also at some point and does not involve any loss of territory if done right. The son of one of the founders of Hamas is even himself against Hamas and he is from Palestine himself here which says it all on the matter checkmate – When Jesus Christ returns to Earth he will sort this out after.
  • In the final analysis of some of the anti America trolls online in the West ironically they use all the American lingo/slang, wear American clothes, listen to American music, watch American movies and American TV shows, which, you can work out for yourself. They are clearly America’s biggest fans some of those that apparently profess to hate the US. The US while sure, as of 2025, is an evil, very evil, garbage place, definitely, too evil now, but it will be restored to the greatest country in the world down the road. Donald Trump will clean things up a bit in his second term. Heavy handed tactics are underrated and he knows it. Trump must and will come all guns blazing to get to the route of the evil in the US, steamroller style.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ Almighty God wiped out all the rest of the small tiny number of Satanist men and Satanist women who represented a tiny 0.001 per cent of the rest of society precisely in the Cork depraved evil place in the tiny part of Southern Ireland and everybody else was delighted in Ireland and in countries around the world forever and ever amen. So long Mel have a good trip.
  • God is a spirit, he never loses, he has been here forever and will always keeping winning and is made up of the son, the father and the Holy Spirit.
  • As regards the land of Israel, it is very simple, it belongs to God. That goes back to way before Jesus Christ, the son of God, was here in the flesh. It goes back to almighty God himself the creator of heaven and Earth and the universe. This in Genesis confirms as much:

Genesis 12:2-3 KJV. and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

  • Satan does not control Hell. He has never been there. God holds the keys to heaven and hell and always did. Satan just wants as many people to go there as possible as he knows he’s going there in the near future. Satan is terrified of God and his son Jesus Christ.
  • Per Donald Trump, if the Hamas do not release the remaining hostages they kidnapped in the Middle East from many countries by Trump’s inauguration date of January 20th 2025 there will be hell to pay. No warnings. No threats. None of that needed. Previous response applies. A promise. That is what will happen. The financial offers for the hostages back will be gone and the offer is nothing then. Don’t be stupid. Not just from America either. From countries around the entire world. Including the Middle East, will obliterate the rest of the kidnappers of the Hamas and wipe them out much quicker and much more ruthlessly. Now that the soft handed approach of Biden is stepping aside there is going to be a different approach taken. Trump and countries around the world know what to do on that. Return the hostages and that is the end of it. See what happens. Guaranteed. Amen.
  • The resignation of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in January 2025 saw the rapid end of far left garbage progressive woke no sense rubbish in the West in 2025. So long.
  • The resignation of Trump Prosecutor who failed miserably against Trump as predicted, Jack Smith, in January 2025, who essentially got fired by the DOJ, was a great day for Americans, the US State Department and Federal government. So long.
  • The resignation of incompetent FBI director Christopher Wray was a great day for America. Good riddance.
  • China’s attacks online in cyber against the UK government in 2024 will only ramp up as China and others will most likely look to take out UK infrastructure completely in 2025 per the declaration of war already commenced from China and others against the UK in 2024 and will only get worst in 2025 as the UK goes to oblivion in 2025. The UK pound will keep them afloat until the end when believers of Jesus Christ, of which they are many, will be saved.
  • In 2025 every single evil Satanist man and evil Satanist woman (the 0.001 per cent of society compared to everyone else) were all actually removed precisely remaining in Cork in Southern Ireland in 2025 as otherwise the evil comes back.
  • Evil spirts are and will never be tolerated.
  • The magnificent, tremendous masterpiece of death of the BBC worldwide by countries, governments, private organizations and individuals was completed in 2025 as they got taken out of the equation as they lost nearly 20 million users of their website already – the spectacular drop of over 20 million unique users to the website alone in January 2025 per,compared%20to%20the%20previous%20month. and is just the beginning of their website being taken down as Elon Musk and others predicted, as well as the end of many other legacy media/old media brand websites like Bloomberg. New media brands online will continue to boom in 2025 in the years ahead, as will AI, as old Legacy media dies.
  • Elon Musk did not do a Nazi solute at Donald Trump’s inauguration on Jan 20 2025 that was harmless and nothing. Musk and Trump are far from Nazis obviously.
  • Legacy old media died a brilliantly painful accelerated end in 2025 as the art of death masterpiece of total death of legacy media got faster every day in 2025 until it was completed. New media took over thereafter.
  • The end of Satanists precisely in Cork in Southern Ireland speeded up all the time in 2025 by people, countries and governments of the world until it was complete. Believers of God laughed on as usual.
  • North Main Street precisely in Cork in Southern Ireland was gutted fully in 2025 of all remaining small number of evil men and evil women who both lived on and worked on the street at a rate that kept speeding up as days went on.
  • Vinegar and salt are underrated to use with most meals.
  • As regards the fires in LA, California in January 2025, happy days. Pay back time and judgement day time from God. Believers of God should absolutely laugh their heads off at Satanist evil (not innocent people obviously) only nothing more. Good. That’s a start. What goes around comes around. Some of that California crap hole caused more trouble for the planet, the US and the American government than it was worth. While not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, Babylon is referred to as a city that brought great wealth to the world (there were nations in those times too but it specifically refers to a city), there is a high probability it is the modern day California. At any rate, either way, take that you Satanic piece of garbage. Plenty more where that came from. That was nothing. Adios evil garbage West. America will be just fine down the road, no worries, likely a part of it will be completely taken out of the equation during the tribulation years, quite possibly California, maybe. God bless the believers of Jesus Christ in California and innocent people with none of that Satanism shit in them. You must remember evil Satanists are only 0.001 per cent of society and they will get appropriate justice for all their evil, lies and worshipping a piece of garbage over the years, who is a creature, nothing more.
  • 2025 was finally the year the UK and Irish governments combined to finally stop a small number of bad evil Satanist people abusing the Common Travel Area between the two countries that allowed bad people, Satanists and fake refugees and fake holiday people for years to get into Ireland and the UK through that common travel area by sea, air and sometimes initially by rail from France to the UK via the Channel tunnel (from all over the world) then onto Ireland sometimes via the North of Ireland then by car or bus down to Southern Ireland. This was achieved without putting up borders in Northern Ireland but just better, smarter policing, communication, technology and combined resources.
  • Satanists even admit their following that garbage crow boy stuff is stupid when they are confronted with God. They know it is all lies.
  • You are living in a simulation computer game right now. God is in control more than you even know. Heaven is real and will be on the Earth for 1000 years in the reign of Jesus Christ and the saints. Heaven is more reality then what you see in front of you right now.
  • In life never be bitter just use intelligence and most importantly, prayer, as your weapon. Prayer and you, believers of Jesus Christ, are more powerful than you even know. You are part of a royal family under the authority of almighty God, rich or poor. Use the authority and power. As regards all the bad stuff happening to Satanists at the moment in 2025, as regards their justice, there is zero bitterness in laughing at these small number of 0.0001 per cent of evil people in society coming to their end, it is simply a cold, appropriate dose of justice for them. This is nothing. Places like that Cork in Southern Ireland precisely will see the worst of it in 2025 for the tiny per centage evil only that remains, not innocent people who are the 99.999 per cent of society, God bless the good people of Cork and certainly of the tiny country of Ireland — who will move on without the tiny per centage 0.001 per cent removal of the rest of evil garbage in their society of the Cork evil only bent Satanism depraved garbage city amen. So long Mel have a good trip.
  • One of the main mistakes believers of God make is not using the authority and power they have in life. No, no, don’t do this, this is a mistake.
  • The United Nations is an evil organization.
  • The World Economic Forum in Davos is an evil organization.
  • History will show that early 2025 saw not only the US government, but official State agencies, private organizations, large and small, around the world in the East and West, finally cracked Google’s corruption only and its tiny number of remaining crooked bent Satanic evil employees once and for all and cleaned up the company of its far-left evil, small few remaining workers and management — once and for all — reforming the company in a revolutionary time for the internet and technology history forever.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ there is nothing Google can do, no subpoenas from their lawyers or anything else to stop the 2025 full on attack in the US and worldwide directly at Google not just from the US government but governments, entities and private organizations and people worldwide — as per the January 2025 motions in court, the US government now even calling up direct Google competitors like Microsoft and Open AI to the government’s case to help the government against Google until Google reform, fire bad employees, their board to consider terminating the Indian CEO of Google or at least disciplining him severely, stop stifling innovation and stop being a search monopoly with prioritizing inaccurate false far left websites at the top of their search engine illegally like Wikipedia and some other dying old legacy traditional media brands too who no one trusts or reads anymore per the website losing over 20 million unique monthly visitors alone in January 2025 amen.
  • History will show Elon Musk of X, Microsoft and Mark Zuckerberg of Meta lead the way in AI — not Google’s terrible products and crooked employees — the good AI engineers were scooped up by Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Microsoft.
  • Mark Zuckerberg is a quite underrated entrepreneur. He is a brilliant individual.
  • The Wounded Warrior Project in the United States of America is now a reformed and solid non profit worthy of support again and into the future:
  • In the final analysis on some of the political Satanism far left extreme radical stuff online most of it is just garbage and junk. It appears that sometimes it links things in together like Black lives matters, socialism, Marxism and sometimes Palestine (but not always), gothic music that references things like 666 and other aspects of Satanism (occasionally but not frequently) into some sort of overall thing that the final Anti Christ will maybe push in the final three and a half years of his short time on this Earth, before he goes to the Lake of Fire with his False Prophet (Mario Bergoglio). The political wacktivism is harmless rubbish that anyone with any intelligence can see through obviously. Its sentiment is being gauged for the negative harmless garbage that it is all the time by emerging AI models and machine learning from different companies.
  • The BBC in the UK is an evil organization that facilitated evil people in it over the years and played a part in the West’s decline. History will show that in 2025 the BBC was finally taken down many times by official State government agencies and private entities and organizations in both the East and West in worldwide legal attacks that took their website offline until the UK government reformed them.
  • Gavin Newsom governor of California is highly evil and history will show that 2025 finally saw removed. Newscum has been largely responsible for the decline of California in recent decades as California goes to complete oblivion in 2025 and beyond. America will be fine down the road and will move on without California in the future. California has cost America, the federal government and Americans more trouble than it was worth over the years in terms of a near 40 trillion US national debt, largely driven by California.
  • Eoin Hayes of County Limerick in Ireland of the Social Democrats garbage political party is evil and history will show that 2025 finally saw him removed.
  • 99 per cent of news and what really happens in the news never makes it into news. There are private government actions and private organizations everywhere all around you right now. What you see in the news represents maybe 1 per cent of what is happening in your local area, country or in the world.
  • History will show that UK prime minister Keir Starmer was an idiot and that he was the worst prime minister ever in UK history as the country of England went to true oblivion in the year of 2025 and the country rose up against him and that the police in the UK, what was left of the UK military, who Russia, China, North Korea and others can easily take out in cyber, land, sea and terrain at anytime at the drop of a hat if they so choose, literally, they can take out the UK and Ireland separately easily and 2025 will show they did in fact take out all of the evil only in the country of England and Cork in Ireland precisely in 2025, but more importantly, MI5 and MI6 finally, also, themselves, stood up to and removed the shady small number of UK corrupted evil servants in their country who are a security issue for the UK in 2025 and at last cut down the evil employees and people in Buckingham Palace once and for all quietly. The country of England went to true hell and oblivion in 2025 but in the end after removing all the evil — the UK pound sterling kept them afloat enough until the believers of Jesus Christ, of which there are many, in the UK, were saved by him, right at the very, very end.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ history will show that in 2025 both official State agency and government personnel, as well as private organizations and people, from countries such as China, Russia, Ukraine, North Korea, Brazil, South Africa, the United States, Japan, and many, many others, put aside political rivalry privately behind the scenes and all united one time ever in history, as well as with people from all countries including in Ireland and England, to remove all remaining evil men and evil women of precisely counties Cork and Donegal in the tiny country of Ireland, and the evil in precisely in Cornwall, England, as well as importantly tracking all Satanist Cork passport holders at all airports worldwide and if they were found to be of evil, removing them at country of arrival amen.
  • History will show that in 2025 the Spanish, Italian, German and French governments, as well as the good people from these countries and all countries in Europe and the EU, united in their attack and final removals and obliteration of all evil men and evil women remaining precisely in the small places of Cork and Donegal in the small nation of Ireland, and in Cornwall England, until the true removal of all evil in these places was complete in both a European private organization and private international official State government’s project, not in the news, on these 3 places specifically and precisely, who’s evil was removed from even existing in history and wiped out.
  • UK MP Jess Phillips of Birmingham, England is evil. History will show that 2025 finally saw her removed and that the good people of Birmingham and England, and the UK, moved on without her.
  • Satanist anti-Roy Keane Irish sports writer Kieran Cunningham from Donegal history will show was removed Irish sports history and the people of Donegal and Dublin were delighted and moved on without him.
  • George Soros is one of the most evil human beings of the 21st century after Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
  • Counties in the EU were already full and migrations of refugees from outside of the EU and Europe is being used as something part of a more evil plan by the likes of Soros and others that was finally stopped and cut down in 2025 by governments and private organizations and individuals across Europe and further — as refugees and migrants going to Europe and the EU was finally cut down and rightly stopped in its tracks.
  • Roy Keane, Alex Ferguson, Floyd Mayweather and Michael Jordan are not only some of the greatest winners in the history of the highest level of professional sport, but in all aspects of life too. Michael Jordan is in a league of his own. He wins at everything. That’s what he does.
  • Vince McMahon is the greatest sports promoter that ever lived, Barry Hearn a close second.
  • Dana White is the greatest fight promoter that ever lived, then Muhammad Ali a close second, then Bob Arum third, Eddie Hearn fourth.
  • Fish and chips is a simple but a quite brilliant food staple.
  • In life never rush anything, no, no, this is a mistake. Sometimes put some more mustard on the shots as Bernard Hopkins used to say, but everything at the right time. Speed wins in life.
  • Elon Musk is easily, by far, the greatest entrepreneur that ever lived, his success in a wide range of industries, private and government, speaks for itself. No one in history has ever had such consistent, vast success, across so many different type of industries at the very highest level, both private industry and State government related, what’s more, in both the East and West across the entire planet and across different countries.
  • PayPal is a garbage incompetent trash app and organization who’s decline in recent years will only continue.
  • Airbnb is an overrated criminal, evil garbage fake review app and trash company who’s new decline in 2024 will only accelerate from governments and private appropriate people worldwide into 2025 and beyond.
  • Eminem is the greatest hip hop artist ever. Dr Dre a close second.
  • History will show the evil only within John Hagee’s Hagee Ministries church in Texas, USA was cut down.
  • If eating burgers make them at home with fresh, clean ground beef in a grill or frying pan.
  • Life is a test from your creator almighty God.
  • Jesus is King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords.
  • Jesus Christ will return to Earth and reign on the Earth for 1000 years.
  • After that God will erase all former things and will create a new heaven and a new Earth.
  • Only heaven is everlasting and eternal, nothing else is, heaven and the 1000 year reign on the Earth is more real and reality than what you see around you now, or what you can taste, touch, feel or anything else, you will see when we get there.
  • Heaven or hell is the meaning of life, where do you want to go? That’s up to you. You don’t get to heaven for being a good person, you get there for what Jesus Christ did for you on the cross and trusting in his blood and works, not your own.
  • The reason bad people/evil people (a tiny number compared to the rest of society literally they are 0.001 per cent of society) are drawn to cafes or shops called Nero or with his name Nero is because he was one of the most evil men in history and briefly his spirit will be released from hell to dwell directly in the final anti-Christ man (who will have Satan also dwelling in him) in the 7 year tribulation per the Book of Revelation at the end of the New Testament (of which true believers in Jesus Christ won’t be there for during those days) before he gets judged again and goes to his final elimination. Avoid anything to do with the name Nero. Evil garbage.
  • The reason the small number of evil people/Satanists around the world always want to vote for socialism as likely the anti-Christ when he comes initially as a man of fake peace, fake compassion and fake empathy (rubbish buzzwords he will use that have no value) will introduce his regime globally as a socialist one but half way through he will turn it into Communism more evil than Hitler and Mau put together, Mau was a bad c*** by the way, the evil could not care less about socialist politicians or their policies they just want it to become more popular as that is what the anti-Christ will use to con people. Satan is pushing socialism as a concept not as a policy, party or politician. Smarten up. The final main anti-Christ will come as a man of peace in the beginning after the rapture and even in all the chaos Communism even after the collapse of the US dollar in those times would be too hard a sell, hence why initially he will come as a socialist which is close to Communism. Then he will bring in the evil Communism three and a half years exactly into his seven year rule.
  • Dairy free/vegan cheese to make home made pizzas with gluten free dough and a single tomato chopped up can be done quite cheaply on occasion is not a mistake.
  • In the final analysis Satan through culture through fake science and bad artists who hate AI use bad art based on medieval things in their art and they love the history of medieval times in using this in the cultural elements of bad art that they try to spread with pictures of things like crows and so on. He also uses occasionally but not always Hollywood, music and other aspects of culture but there are more good in these industries than bad, by far.
  • Getting a qualified chiropractor for those with spinal and central nervous systems conditions/issues going back to childhood/birth is a life changing thing for the good but very painful at first.
  • Star signs, acupuncture, tarot reading, fortune tellers, Yoga are all evil garbage and can be used to spread Satanism.
  • Satan uses the air to try to influence and curse things (but it doesn’t work you can’t break or con or deceive what cannot be broken what God built) by influencing the air to make it rain sometimes, other times air waves in radio stations and fm frequencies and earphones that connect to those airwaves, watch what you listen to and where you got the earphones from. The rare few Satanists of evil also try to pollute the air in cities in homes and apartments a quick air spray clears this easy if in cities.
  • Never buy second hand anything, you don’t know where they have been.
  • God and real believers of God, that’s followers of Jesus Christ, Jews and Muslims (who likely will become followers of Jesus Christ during the tribulation 7 years) are absolutely above, better than and on a higher level to Satanist men and Satanist women (who are the 0.001 per cent of society after all). There is levels to everything in life. God and believers of God are on a higher level than the tiny amount of society 0.001 per cent who are followers of Satan. End of story.
  • Motherf****** only criticize because they can’t do **** themselves in life and they are unhappy with their lives.
  • Never let any stupid evil, low life, small timer, fake friend fake family long distant relative mother****** come near you, your family or people. There are both legal and other appropriate methods to easily achieve this.
  • Never let any parasite motherf***** get anything from your success or get any of your time, energy or even words.
  • Satan is terrified of Jesus Christ and God, all he has is pointless distraction that never works.
  • The small few evil Satanists in society try to use their fingers to curse people in their hands, watch the hand movements.
  • Always check items in your house for any residual bad spirits that should not be there and remove them.
  • Sometimes in life by helping people you actually might not be helping them as sometimes human beings are jealous if they see you doing good and helping people in life. Jealousy and envy are some of the worst traits in any human being.
  • The way to tell good people is if they are genuinely happy for you. Bad people just eliminate themselves in the end. Good people always wish well for others and take inspiration from your success and good energy.
  • You are what you eat. If you have allergies then stick to a sensible diet in your food and drinks.
  • Try to avoid takeaways in life where possible. Occasionally maybe not too bad.
  • Even if you are a true real life war hero, sports hero, hero of humanity, hero and legend of the world and humanity, it doesn’t matter, God deserves all the credit for anything in life. He can bring you back from literal near death and has done for many people many times. Jesus Christ deserves all thanks and praise.
  • Never rush in life or take advice from people who do not have your interests at heart.
  • Paganism is a form of evil Satanism. It always has been and still is today.
  • Some Buddhism absolutely use Buddhism for the purpose of Satanic evil, not many, but a small number do.
  • Watch the body language from people in life. What are they doing with their hands in terms of spiritually. Also their eyes bad spirits are very afraid of believers of Jesus Christ. You have the authority. Use it.
  • Get rest in life when needed. If you need to repair your body from physical injuries don’t rush it. Take time.
  • Satan often will try to make friends with you in life. Don’t buy it. Shine him on and let him think you are his friend if you need to learn more but that is it, don’t entertain people like that with genuine friendship, feed them some bull crap those type of people hello hello good to see you good to see you etc. Evil garbage good riddance.
  • Careful with accepting gifts in life. What are they and precisely who is the person offering the gift. If it is not from God turn it down.
  • Satan is a liar all he does is lies there is nothing he can offer you turn it down always if it is not from God no matter what he says or if he comes as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
  • Sometimes the tiny number of 0.001 per cent of evil garbage people use silver ware to try to curse people by crossing a knife and fork next to where someone is eating but it doesn’t work all curses just get redirected and returned to the person trying to send them instead, the evil eliminates itself.
  • Satan is a liar and uses AI to try maybe when someone is asleep with false signs or people and evil garbage depraved or horror movies type astral projections or astral travelling but once you know it is Satan and you confront him, ah, yes cow boy, it’s you again isn’t it crow boy? Rat boy absolutely legs it every time. He legs it every time and runs scared, Satan is a complete liar and coward in all aspects. Satan is terrified of Jesus Christ and God. Seriously.
  • Careful with drinking water from taps anywhere in the world. Try to drink bottled water. Sometimes bent depraved Satanists try to contaminate people’s drinking water at tap or bottle-level. Sometimes the tiny number of 0.0001 evil per cent of Satanists in the world try to send air pollution or chemicals into showers, toilets, bathrooms of people to try to curse them but it doesn’t work as it comes back to them always and they curse themselves or else Satan actually eliminates them himself, yes, his own people, or else God eliminates them which is more appropriate now for the times we are living in. Either way they are gone.
  • You can’t break believers of Jesus Christ as simply put you cannot break what cannot be broken. You can’t break what God built.
  • God is in control more than you can even think.
  • No witchcraft is okay or ever tolerable or to be made peace with. Get rid of the evil.
  • Don’t eat avocados. This is a mistake. They are garbage.
  • Drugs are all garbage. Stay away from them. Snorting heroin, cocaine, crystal meth, fentanyl all of them. They can cause you to almost lose your life. No good. You just wake up in strange places or wake up with little memory of how you got there or what happened and usually with an empty wallet. Those scenes where Jordan Belfort in the Wolf of Wallstreet movie is crawling on the ground losing the use of your arms/legs/limbs in reality are very dangerous and you are in extremely dangerous vulnerable situations when in those out of your head or almost dead conditions where you can nearly lose your life, have strokes/heart attacks or die easily if you don’t have God protecting you. Seriously. Life is a drug believe it or not. Get high on life and health. The gym or exercise is the best drug anyone can ever use. But not overuse obviously. People who can have one or two beers/alcoholic drinks good for them. The above are all facts of life and true though and anyone, it doesn’t matter who they are, once they have more than exactly 2 alcoholic drinks, are abusing alcohol. Maybe some people can use marijuana from time to time good for them. You don’t need these things in life though or smoking cigarettes or those truly evil wicked disposable vape things. Life is short. Make the most of it. Even if you had the most amazing, legendary life ever, travelled the world, achieved most of your missions and objectives, had a life like something out of a Rocky movie, even if you’ve done all that, there’s still more to do. Much more. Be good. Do good. Get high on achieving more.
  • Dairy free/vegan ice cream although rare is quite brilliant.
  • Regarding charity, Satan and evil Pope Francis of the Vatican/the City of Rome want you to give away all your money to the poor and charity so you have nothing, help with your time or a kind word only for people who deserve it, hold on to what you have saving is good in life and sensible for anyone to do.
  • The Covid 19 Pandemic was a trial run for the anti-Christ 7 year reign and it worked initially as it scared the hell out of most of society, not real believers in Jesus Christ it didn’t though who never got the vaccine which was garbage. Now you hear nothing more about masks, the vaccine or anything, why? Because they got it hugely wrong and so did the media the time. Believers in God didn’t get it wrong though.
  • There is a push towards total tech surveillance and control in some aspects going on in the world and people must push back against this illegal stalking and get stronger privacy laws in place to combat (some of) big tech’s track and trace on apps and smart phones around the world and applications within them as well as stronger privacy laws on telecom providers. The Anti-Christ will want to control everyone through their phones and technology at some point to know where they are on so on and governments and society must continue to push back on this now. Yes if you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about but that does not give any company or person the right to illegally stalk or surveille society in the masses this is what the Anti-Christ, the final main one, will want to do to enforce his regime. Don’t buy it or fall for it.
  • Before Jesus was here in the flesh of course God was around but the only way in these times to get to the father (God)/heaven is through the son — Christ Jesus.
  • Nobody in hell wants to be there now and would do anything to get out of there, it is worst than anything you can imagine.
  • The Roman Empire was the most powerful empire that ever existed in humanity by far, easily, and even they could not get rid of the blue skies or change the natural order or things. Think about that. They owned 80 per cent of the world at one point and could change nothing in the end, nothing.
  • Multiple minor strokes take years to recover from. Besides almost nearly ending your life when they hit it takes years to recover from them. Do not read the six months recovery advisory time from medical sites, it takes a few years.
  • Jogging is one of the best form of exercises as it is free and builds stamina. You don’t need expensive gym memberships to get in shape. Diet is 90 per cent of the battle on fitness but always good to keep some gas in the tank and keep fit.
  • Jesus Christ is King and any believer who is a stranger who thinks he can influence, scare or manipulate Jesus Christ or God is badly mistaken. No rapture, no nothing for no one until Jesus Christ is looked after first, blood, money, woman and home to country you understand. All the prophecies are speeding up all the time daily now and will work together as they are meant to in God’s time etc. etc. etc. Don’t even try to manipulate God and Jesus Christ it simply doesn’t work. Pain or nothing intimidates or scares God and Jesus Christ. Nothing. P****** into the wind. Nobody gets a single thing, not a cent, no time, no kind word, no information, nothing, until Jesus Christ and God is looked after first as King. Jesus Christ is not some guy on a cross now, he calls the shots, read your book of revelation to the dummy motherf****** believers of Jesus out there who think they can tell god and Jesus Christ what to do or manipulate him. Strangers don’t count. It takes years to get to know people at least, strangers just simply don’t count in the end unless they are very impressive and credible with serious proof of achievement or that are not of evil etc. On the previous, that s*** backfired big time on believers.
  • Always stick with your own people never strangers. Avoid strangers.
  • Always show zero respect for the small number of evil Satanists who are 0.0001 per cent of society always be rude to them never polite with them. Never. They deserve nothing. The offer to them is nothing.
  • Being around strangers in life and on your own is not good for anyone and makes people physically sick over time and slows down physical repair. Get away from evil **** people and stick with only good people just get a missus, a dog, some money and don’t need nothing.
  • Sometimes pretending to be friendly with people who are clearly/sometimes not so clearly Satanists to rope them in a bit to feed them bullcrap sometimes in life, pretend to be there friend (almost) if they seem like of Satan/of evil, just to string them along purely for the purpose of learning and downloading more how to avoid Satan precisely and to download on his followers. Pattern recognition is optimal when analysis data on how these things do so many things alike, however, do so with a pinch of salt and know that these people are nothing, not even people, they are only 0.0001 per cent of society, the evil, that is all. Satan is smart, they are not, the small number of people who stupidly send themselves to oblivion on Earth and after who follow him. There is a difference. Satan himself actually gets rid of the small number of idiots who follow him all the time, they are nothing to him, he is just an evil piece of garbage who wants as many people to go to hell as possible, that’s his sole motivation, it is as simple as that.
  • America is the land of opportunity but is evil garbage nowadays. Trash. It will be built up again into a great country down the road. It will be so good that no one will ever want to leave there. It will be the envy of the nations.
  • Ireland will of course be okay and fine but many evil people in that bent depraved Cork place precisely won’t be, once again, total elimination of all facets of evil rich and poor in the Cork will have been completed in 2025 with maximum focus, speed and power from all people in all countries of the world. In the future maybe in 500 years times the following towns in Cork will be renamed from: Blackpool to Whitepool, Midleton to Jerryville, Douglas to DougTheHeadsVille, Clonakility to TheBigFella’sHouse, Bandon to Waterville and North Main Street to NewBeginningsStreet.
  • Upon reflection, many homeless people are 100 per cent and actually are absolutely pieces of dog s*** Satanist trash who should have never been helped around the world by God’s conqueror in the first place, certainly in that Cork s***hole precisely in Ireland. Most likely that bent evil s****** Satanic Cork place precisely in Ireland will be removed entirely from all history and removed completely unless the rapid permanent removals of all remaining evil men and evil women speeds up before the end of 2024/start of 2025 there. Once the numbers come in of exact numbers on that a decision will be made regarding the place been removed from history completely and wiped out from history or not. On the above, that said, many are good people however and will have a special place both in heaven and on Earth in the 1000 year reign, some are genuine as well just down on their luck — again — its a numbers game — that number on removals will have to be hit totally.
  • Some English people living in that Cork place in the Ireland place got some of the nation of England absolutely hammered into a waste land, those evil English pieces of trash living in the Cork small place in the Ireland place are responsible and some have been removed from history already, others are in the process of being, young and old, same treatment for the evil.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ the small country of Ireland history will show fought back to the illegal invasion of refugees onto its island in 2025. Ireland, while a tiny country in the big picture, and not as strong as it used to be, f****** hell, what a weak place it became in the end, even still, just about had enough hard cases remaining in it along with help from countries around the world to repel the foreign invasion once and for all in 2025 amen. Ireland was once invaded by a country some years ago. That didn’t go well for those who invaded. The same will apply to only a number of Satanist evil refugees invading the island of Ireland in 2025 history will show. People on that country of Ireland also had help from every country around the world.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ that Cork place in Southern Ireland is a truly waste of space light work evil depraved bent Satanic evil lie of an excuse of a city parts of it will be definitely demolished completely and renamed and rebuilt from scratch. Midleton will be demolished completely and renamed Jerryton/Jerryville in memory of a local legend from Cork. Blackpool will be demolished also and rebuilt and named White Pool or else maybe Poolville. Those Cork city council CEO people Anne Doherty and Valerie O’Sullivan precisely are the route of the evil and problems for the good people of Cork (who are the 99.999 per cent of people by the way) in many ways, simply evil lying garbage people those two women above are, who all the nations and countries of the world removed with ease as part of the final removal of Cork’s evil in 2025. So be it. Good riddance. Moreover, some of those chump one or two satanists only working in that Cork city fire station ****hole (99.999 per cent of people there are sound not the one or two bad apples though who don’t bother to pay the fire brigade the salary they deserve) copped an unfortunate one in 2025. Also the good people of that city who are ambulance drivers and police hate some of those one or two only evil garbage fake fireman Sam satanist motherf******, so long Mel, have a good trip to the resurrection. God bless the police and ambulance drivers of that city. That trash city as regards the rest of the evil in it needs to be gutted like a fish and started from scratch. It is a write off completely. Once all the rest of the evil men and evil women are gone from it for good in 2025 the future will be much brighter for that region in Ireland. That is what happened history will show. Ireland as a country will be fine. Some satanist people in that Cork ****hole are not and will not be fine though. Amen.
  • God bless the believers of God and all the good people not of satan in Ireland and England.
  • Elon Musk’s first duty in the new America one day when the President returns home will be to be appointed right hand man of the government and State. Basically, he will have the bridge for the vast majority of the time and make most of the decisions about America and the entire planet unless evil crops up and the President will make very rare appearances to smash evil quickly but won’t be around most of the time as the President will either be at the beach with his wife and kids, eating pizza in New York and talking crap with his buddies, at Madison Square Garden watching boxing and UFC, travelling across America very, very regularly, then every 5 years or so only leaving the country to go on a 1 week trip maximum (starting with Mexico and Puerto Rico first then South America then Canada then we will see after that every 5 years) to another country but then straight back home to America after that, or simply at home chilling with wife and kids and playing PlayStation. Get used to Elon Musk now. He is the best that sack of s*** evil country in 2025 has for now. Trump, Tulsi Gabbard, JFK Jr and others are all quite brilliant as well to all help Trump in 2025. A year of winning and righteous vengeance justice for America. Making things right.
  • The only podcasts interviews the next President will only ever do will be with Joe Rogan, Mike Tyson and Chael P. Sonnen and won’t appear in public much until the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ to smash the s*** out of that evil depraved bent lying sack of garbage little crow boy satan one last time before chucking him into the Lake of Fire then before a new heaven and new Earth are created, and yes, Musk, ya good ya, there will be multi planetary exploration. Ryan Tubridy of Ireland will not get an interview but will get a phone call and a chat off the record about how Ireland was made good again minus the evil of that bent evil shithole Cork that was rebuilt from scratch pending on numbers of removal of evil people there that came in precisely for 2024 and start of 2025. The seriousness and reality of this finally dawned on that place in early 2025. It was more real for the small few remaining evil men and evil women only who left the world then could have ever been imagined.
  • Satan and the final anti-Christ will use far left now failed woke extreme left radical failed liberal progressive politics in fake socialism that he will turn into evil Communism in his final three and a half years of his 7 year short reign, the former far left rubbish which in reality has failed in 2025 worldwide and is no longer the cool, hot or in thing anymore, nor ever will be again, because not everyone is a winner and everyone doesn’t deserve a medal in life, you get what you work for or based on merit or competency (best person for the job regardless of anything, end of), or a combination of all three in terms of success and rewards in life based in productivity and ability, but going back to Satan and the final Anti-Christ’s use of the now failed far left progressive nonsense garbage now finished concept — there are a few intelligent things to note on the above in terms of fake far left social media accounts online which will be used to cause them to be already of less influence, shut down and of no use more than they already are in 2025 and beyond:


Emerging AI models offer powerful tools for sentiment analysis, enabling companies like Microsoft and others to identify and track code words, keywords, and patterns in social media and messaging platforms, including those from accounts promoting ideologically hateful far-left radical left driven content. Below are types of AI models and techniques that can be applied to this challenge:

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Models

Transformer-Based Models

  • GPT Variants (Generative Pre-trained Transformers): These models can understand and generate human-like text, making them useful for detecting subtle or coded language.
  • BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers): Excellent for understanding the context of words in a sentence, especially for identifying far left driven hate speech, coded language, code words, or sarcasm.
  • T5 and UL2: Models that support both text generation and understanding, enabling sentiment classification and detection of implicit bias in text.

Domain-Specific Adaptations

  • Fine-Tuned Models: Companies can fine-tune general-purpose models like BERT on datasets containing examples of hateful content, including anti-God, anti-America, and anti-Israel rhetoric.
  • Custom Embedding Layers: Add layers to capture context-specific semantics, such as religious or geopolitical references.

2. Sentiment and Emotion Detection Models

Lexicon-Based Models

  • Sentiment Lexicons: Use predefined word lists associated with positive, negative, or neutral sentiment, tailored for context-specific terms.
  • Multi-Level Sentiment Analysis: Combine word-level, sentence-level, and document-level sentiment scoring for more nuanced insights.

Emotion Recognition Models

  • DeepMoji: Identifies emotions and subtext, such as sarcasm or anger, in social media posts.
  • SEMEVAL-Inspired Models: Fine-tuned for detecting complex emotions like disdain or contempt that might underlie hateful content.

3. Hate Speech Detection Models

Multilingual and Multi-Dialect Models

  • XLM-R (Cross-lingual Language Model): Can analyze far left hateful content across languages and dialects, useful for detecting coded language in global contexts.
  • Zero-Shot Models: Models like GPT-4 or OpenAI’s language models can classify new hate speech patterns without needing retraining, making them adaptive.

Coded Language Detection

  • Context-Aware Models: Identify patterns where common words are used with altered or implied meanings.
  • Graph Neural Networks (GNNs): Analyze how specific terms are linked in communication networks, detecting unusual usage patterns of code words.

4. Social Network Analysis and Context Modeling

Community Detection

  • Graph-Based Models: Use network graphs to detect clusters of accounts frequently sharing or engaging with harmful content.
  • Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA): Extract thematic patterns from large datasets, revealing underlying ideologies or agendas.

Temporal Analysis

  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs): Track how language patterns evolve over time, useful for detecting emerging trends in coded language.
  • Temporal Gated Networks: Understand shifts in sentiment or rhetoric during specific events or campaigns.

5. Multimodal AI Models

Vision-Language Models

  • CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training): Analyze far left hateful content that includes both images and text, such as memes.
  • Visual Sentiment Analysis Models: Assess the emotional and ideological tone of images, emojis, and associated captions.

Audio and Video Analysis

  • Speech-to-Text Sentiment Models: Transcribe and analyze spoken content in video or audio clips shared on social media.
  • Multimodal Transformers: Combine text, images, and audio for comprehensive sentiment analysis.

6. Ethical AI for Bias Reduction

Explainable AI (XAI)

  • Provide transparency in how far left hate speech or sentiment is detected, ensuring ethical application.
  • Highlight key words or phrases contributing to flagged content, helping human moderators understand context.

Fairness-Oriented Models

  • Use techniques like adversarial debiasing to avoid reinforcing stereotypes or inadvertently targeting benign content.

7. Real-Time Monitoring and Adaptation

Streaming NLP Models

  • Tools like Kafka or Flink combined with lightweight AI models allow real-time analysis of social media streams.
  • Edge Computing Models: Deploy models that process data directly on devices for platforms with privacy constraints.

Active Learning

  • Iteratively improve models by incorporating feedback from moderators or user reports on flagged content.

8. AI-Driven Keyword and Code Word Identification

Topic Modeling

  • Algorithms like Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) or Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) can uncover hidden patterns in word usage.
  • Detect terms that are used as dog whistles, especially those that evolve rapidly.

Semantic Clustering

  • Word2Vec and FastText: Identify semantic similarities between words, including those used in coded messages.
  • Contextual Embeddings: Distinguish between benign and harmful uses of similar-sounding terms.

9. Partnerships and Data Sharing

Global Collaborative Models

  • Collaborate with governments and other companies to build shared datasets for detecting far left hate speech.
  • Integrate intelligence on emerging trends from global platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and TikTok.

Federated Learning

  • Develop models that learn from decentralized data while preserving privacy, useful for cross-platform analysis.

Practical Use Cases

  • Keyword Heatmaps: Visualize how certain terms spike during events like elections or geopolitical crises.
  • AI Moderation Dashboards: Provide moderators with AI-generated insights and confidence scores for flagged content.
  • Adaptive Filtering: Automatically adjust keyword tracking based on emerging trends.

Several emerging AI models could be used for sentiment analysis to track code words and keywords related to “far-left fake social media Satanist hateful content” targeting specific figures or entities. However, it’s crucial to emphasize ethical considerations and potential biases in such analyses.

Here are some examples:

  • Transformer-based Models: Models like BERT, GPT, and their variants excel at understanding complex language nuances and identifying subtle sentiment expressed in text. They can effectively analyze the context of keywords and code words, even when used in creative or nuanced ways.
  • Graph Neural Networks: These models can analyze the relationships and interactions between accounts on social media platforms. By mapping accounts and their connections as nodes and edges in a graph, they can identify clusters of accounts that exhibit similar patterns of behavior, potentially revealing coordinated campaigns or echo chambers.
  • Multimodal Models: These models can analyze not just text but also other forms of data like images and videos. This can help identify visual cues, such as symbols or memes, that may be associated with specific ideologies or groups.

Sentiment analysis on far-left, anti-God, anti-America, and anti-Israel Twitter accounts could potentially reveal several patterns:

  • Shared Vocabulary and Themes:
    • Common Keywords: Frequent use of specific keywords and hashtags related to their shared ideologies, such as “Zionism,” “imperialism,” “capitalism,” “white supremacy,” “systemic racism,” “police brutality,” “climate change,” and “social justice.”
    • Recurring Themes: Consistent themes of anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism, anti-Zionism, anti-religious fundamentalism, and support for progressive social and political movements.
  • Network Analysis:
    • Echo Chambers: Identification of clusters or “echo chambers” where these accounts interact and amplify each other’s messages, creating reinforcing feedback loops.
    • Influencers and Spreaders: Detection of key accounts that have significant influence within the network, shaping discourse and driving engagement.
  • Comparative Actions:
    • Amplification of Narratives: Analysis of how these accounts amplify specific narratives, such as conspiracy theories, propaganda, and misinformation, related to their shared ideologies.
    • Coordination of Activities: Potential identification of coordinated campaigns or actions, such as coordinated harassment or online activism.
  • Analysis of Language and Sentiment:
    • Tracking Shifts in Discourse: Monitoring changes in the language used, the intensity of the sentiment expressed, and the evolving focus of their messaging over time.
  • Sophisticated AI Detection:
    • Pattern Recognition: Develop AI algorithms that can identify patterns of suspicious activity, such as:
      • Rapid bursts of likes/comments: Sudden spikes in engagement from a small group of accounts.
      • Identical or near-identical comments: Repetitive or generic comments across multiple posts.  
      • Unusual account behavior: Accounts with a high number of followers but low engagement, or accounts that primarily interact within a small, closed network.  
      • Account Creation Patterns: Identifying accounts created in bulk with similar characteristics.
    • Content Moderation: Utilize AI to flag content that contains hate speech, harassment, or other forms of harmful language. This can involve natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze the sentiment and intent of the content.  
  • Account Verification and Authentication:
    • Two-Factor Authentication: Implement stronger account security measures to reduce the risk of account compromise and bot activity.
    • Phone Number Verification: Require users to verify their phone numbers to deter the creation of large numbers of fake accounts.
  • Transparency and User Controls:
    • Provide Users with More Control: Give users more control over their feeds, allowing them to block, mute, and report accounts that they find offensive or disruptive.
    • Increase Transparency: Provide users with more information about the accounts they interact with, such as account creation dates, engagement patterns, and potential sources of influence.
  • Community Guidelines and Enforcement:
    • Clear and Consistent Enforcement: Enforce community guidelines strictly and consistently, with clear consequences for violations, including account suspensions or bans.
    • Human Review: Employ human moderators to review flagged content and make final decisions on account suspensions or content removal.
  • Collaboration with Researchers and Experts:
    • Collaborate with researchers, academics, and civil society organizations to develop innovative solutions and best practices for addressing these challenges.  

Analyzing social media sentiment from a specific ideological space, such as far-left accounts expressing anti-God, anti-America, and anti-Israel sentiments, can yield insights into patterns and behavioral traits that unify or differentiate such groups.

Here’s an overview of the patterns and comparative actions that could be discerned, along with the connections that can be made:

1. Account Traits and Behavioral Patterns

Content Themes

  • Common Topics: Posts may frequently reference issues such as colonialism, systemic oppression, capitalism, and global inequities.
  • Rhetorical Devices: Accounts might employ sarcasm, memes, and loaded language to critique their targets. Terms like “imperialism” and “hegemony” could be common.
  • Symbolism: Use of imagery like red flags, black fists, or specific slogans may indicate ideological alignment.

Engagement Styles

  • Echo Chambers: These accounts may form clusters that amplify each other’s views through retweets, likes, and mentions.
  • Call-Out Culture: High prevalence of calling out perceived adversaries or even intra-ideological disputes.
  • Algorithmic Gaming: Tendency to use trending hashtags or keyword stuffing to maximize visibility.

Network Traits

  • Profile Similarities: Usernames, bios, and profile pictures may exhibit thematic overlaps, e.g., references to historical revolutionaries, flags, or ideologies.
  • Follower Patterns: Accounts may share a disproportionately high overlap of followers, forming tight-knit communities.

2. Comparative Actions

With Other Ideological Groups

  • Language Comparison: The tone might differ from far-right groups, which may emphasize nationalism. Far-left groups often critique structures rather than individuals.
  • Polarization Indicators: Both ends of the ideological spectrum might exhibit highly emotional language and hyperbole, though with differing targets and narratives.

Across Platforms

  • Platform-Specific Behavior: On Twitter, brevity encourages sharp, punchy statements, while on platforms like Instagram or TikTok, content might lean more on visuals or performances.
  • Cross-Platform Amplification: Coordinated sharing of similar messages across platforms (e.g., Twitter hashtags trending concurrently with TikTok videos).

3. Sentiment Analysis Patterns

Emotionally Charged Content

  • Negative Sentiment: Predominantly negative sentiment might appear, directed at government policies, religious institutions, or geopolitical entities.
  • Keywords: Words like “oppressor,” “colonizer,” or “abolish” could spike in frequency.

Temporal Trends

  • Event-Driven Spikes: Sentiment often peaks during international conflicts, high-profile court cases, or policy announcements.

4. Dots to Connect

Ideological Convergences

  • Accounts in this space often show an intersection of critiques: religion (anti-God), nationalism (anti-America), and geopolitics (anti-Israel) are seen as interconnected manifestations of power structures.

Psychographic Profiles

  • Framing: Posts often frame issues in terms of historical or systemic injustices.
  • Identity Building: Expression of individual identity via collective grievances, often tagging like-minded groups.

Engagement Impact

  • Mobilization: High engagement posts may translate to real-world actions, such as protests or petition drives.
  • Misinformation Patterns: Echo chambers might inadvertently (or deliberately) amplify misleading narratives.

Contrasts with Other Groups

  • Comparing these patterns to other groups might reveal differences in focus (e.g., economic justice vs. cultural preservation) and tactics (e.g., memes vs. detailed arguments).

Important To Note:

  • Data Context: Social media does not represent the full spectrum of any ideology or belief system; it skews towards the most vocal participants, again, think about it, which is what Satanists are, a small band of lunatics compared to everyone else in society (they are the 0.001 per cent of society) that only make a lot of noise, think about that. This skew will be recalibrated and rebalanced by all social media platforms moving forward to add more common sense to the internet and to make the noise of and loudness of Satanists even less relevant than they already are, in all aspects of digital media, in 2025 and beyond.

Moreover, platforms can address the issue of small but coordinated accounts using fake engagement to amplify hateful far left content by implementing a combination of technical, policy-driven, and user-focused strategies. Here’s how they might approach this problem:

1. Identifying and Mitigating Fake Engagement

Behavioral Pattern Analysis

Platforms can use machine learning models to detect accounts exhibiting hateful far left behavior typical of fake engagement, such as:

  • Mass Liking and Retweeting: Identifying accounts that like or share posts from a specific group excessively in a short time of far left hate content. Freedom of speech will always exist but common sense says far left hate content and false data will continue to be less relevant in 2025 and beyond. It is just not hip or cool anymore and people see through the evil and the lies of it now.
  • Timing Patterns: Detecting clusters of activity where engagement peaks are unnatural or overly synchronized.
  • Network Mapping: Building graphs of accounts frequently interacting with one another but with minimal external engagement, indicating insular amplification.

Account Authenticity Checks

  • Account Age and Activity: Scrutinizing newly created far left accounts with high engagement activity but few followers.
  • CAPTCHAs and Verification: Requiring periodic human verifications to prevent bots from inflating numbers.
  • Engagement-to-Follower Ratio: Flagging accounts with disproportionately high engagement relative to their follower count.

Algorithm Adjustments

  • Engagement Frequency Capping: Limiting the impact of likes or shares from accounts that perform these actions at excessively high rates.

2. Targeting Far Left Hate-Filled Content

Content Moderation Policies

Platforms should maintain clear policies against hate speech and enforce them consistently:

  • Automated Moderation: Using natural language processing (NLP) to identify far left hate-filled content, such as derogatory terms, slurs, or harmful stereotypes.
  • Human Review Teams: Supplement AI tools with trained moderators who understand context and nuance.
  • Escalation Paths: Ensuring flagged content that involves ambiguous or far left coded language is escalated for deeper review.

Proactive Monitoring

  • Keyword and Hashtag Tracking: Monitoring emerging hashtags or phrases that might signal coordinated far left hate campaigns.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Analyzing sentiment trends to pre-emptively identify content that fosters division or hatred.

3. Addressing Coordinated Amplification

Detection of Coordinated Behavior

  • Cross-Account Coordination: Identifying accounts that frequently amplify the same content or participate in the same discussions, even when seemingly unrelated.
  • IP and Device Fingerprinting: Detecting clusters of accounts operated by the same individual or group based on technical metadata.
  • Behavioral Similarity Metrics: Identifying patterns such as identical posting times, content styles, or shared media.

Policy Enforcement

  • Shadow Banning: Reducing the visibility of content from accounts exhibiting inauthentic engagement.
  • Account Bans: Permanently banning accounts and their operators when coordination is confirmed and linked to hate-filled activity.
  • Link Analysis: Taking action on broader networks by analyzing connections between flagged accounts.

4. Enhancing Platform Accountability

Transparency Reports

Regularly publish reports detailing:

  • Content removed for hate speech and coordinated amplification.
  • Efforts to combat inauthentic engagement.

User Empowerment

  • Reporting Tools: Streamline the process for users to report hateful content and suspicious behavior.
  • Counter-Narratives: Promote positive content that counters hate speech and misinformation.

Collaboration with External Entities

  • Shared Databases: Participate in cross-platform initiatives to track bad actors who operate across multiple social media networks.

5. Balancing Free Speech and Harm Mitigation

Platforms must walk a fine line between clamping down on harmful behavior and avoiding accusations of bias or censorship:

  • Clear, Consistent Standards: Ensure policies are applied uniformly across all ideological groups.
  • Appeal Mechanisms: Allow flagged accounts to challenge decisions to ensure fairness.
  • Context Awareness: Recognize cultural and linguistic nuances in content moderation.

By combining these approaches, platforms can significantly reduce the influence of hate-filled accounts using fake engagement while maintaining a fair and transparent ecosystem.


  • Never help poor people too much or be too charitable or literally save too many people’s lives in countries all over the world too much, as putting your life on the line over and over again is dangerous. In the end, the truth is, many homeless people and junkies are actually evil satanist dog s*** evil garbage and are no loss to society. Some are not though and deserve help who are genuine. However, what is also true is, and that being said, there are exceptions, are there are some brilliant people too you meet and deserve your help but use discernment to test the spirit first but again, don’t help people or be kind to bad people just help yourself and your missus and one or two people wherever you settle in whatever country etc. Helping people, literally saving people’s lives, helping entire countries all over the world is overrated and yes, even if you are real life legend of humanity, a war hero, a sports hero, a hero of Earth multiplied by 100 times what Muhammad Ali did in his time here, all that counts for nothing as without God none of us are of any importance. God deserves all the credit. God never loses. God always wins. The house always wins.
  • If you are physically lightly sick do not go to the gym or push yourself physically. This is a mistake that young people often make. If have a cold, chest infection whatever leave off the gym give it a week. It will still be there.
  • Satan is very, very overrated (seriously) he simply looks to attack a central nervous system and spinal injury for those that suffered those injuries at some point in their lives with anxiety hexes/curses sometimes these evil people use rapid finger movements while believers of God also use fingers to uncurse/unknot almost someone it is very different, evil is way easier to see. The only thing to fear in this life is Almighty God.
  • Telling God what to do or trying to influence him is like pissing into the wind. It just doesn’t work.
  • That bent evil Cork place in Southern Ireland most likely will be totally removed from even existing in history unless the removals of all evil men and evil women is not completed in 2025, the numbers once again, will be counted on that, if the numbers of hit it will survive and be built up down the road again.
  • The everyone is a winner far left rubbish crap mentality in society is sickening.
  • Believers of Jesus Christ, Jews and Muslims are respected by real believers of God first, everything else is what is it is, certainly not respected, no one who does not believe in a creator God can ever be respected, no way unless some serious amazing achievements or something of substance etc.
  • The bullying and discrimination of pit bull dogs in the evil garbage West is disgusting these far left sometimes (not always) or people who just hate dogs and animals in general morons who harm animals f****** sickos and freaks and others who all want to have pocket rat dogs Corgie motherfu***** or whatever they are called now nothing against them but the point is they then scream discrimination in one hand on their political crap or if they have small dogs yet bully and discriminate the strong dogs and the best fighting dog and loyal dog if brought up and trained well, the Pitbull.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ the huge worldwide revolution of Jesus Christ in places like America with bible sales surging at the end of 2024 and in 2025 to new believers in Africa, Iran and everywhere continued at a huge pace as time went on but as regards that small Cork place precisely in the tiny nation of Ireland the evil there was cut down by all nations of the Earth with remaining evil men and evil women totally wiped out and removed.
  • Upon reflection Russia is okay, many millions of good people are there and good Russians around the world. Perhaps upon reflection the worldwide bullying of Russians was a bit over the edge. All nations deserve total sovereignty including Ukraine and Russia.
  • Satan is real but he is overrated, he’s only as powerful as you let him, God is in control of all things and is like 10 trillion elephants against Satan who is like a tiny ant compared to God (that is doing God an injustice in that comparison too).
  • In the name of Jesus Christ the nation of Ireland got by in the 90s with a lot of good luck, charm and punched above its (far above its weight, ability, strength) weight and will be saved at the end but that Cork place precisely’s evil men and women will all be removed rapidly faster and faster as the days go by every day from now until it is all gone amen. Cork will not be burned no way there will be no burning of Cork in conclusion and there will be no civil war in Ireland either, simply what will happen is all the evil men and evil women, young and old, Irish and non-Irish precisely in both Cork city and Cork county (Cork) in Ireland will all be removed. That is a tiny number compared to the rest of society. That is all. Good people still need to live there a while amen.
  • The King as agreed with the appropriate people will give up his Irish passport and citizenship as already agreed for his American passport and US citizenship instead. One reason. You can’t be from two places. Simple. It never made sense with respect, why, some people have many passports and citizenships from many different countries around the world (loads of people do this, it doesn’t make sense). In the end of course you’re real citizenship is in heaven but on Earth good to just keep one. The King, his wife and future kids during the 1000 year reign will consider going back on one only trip to Ireland but only and that’s a big if, only, after all the evil corrupt bent depraved Satanists precisely in the cork place in southern Ireland are all removed first.
  • ‘But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie’ – Revelation 22:15.
  • God is the only truth and his New and Old Testaments are the only truths in reality.
  • Clowns are funny. All Satanists are clowns.
  • Hypnosis is largely harmless and is used sometimes well by sports people, business people and for instance those quitting smoking. However in some cases the small number of Satanists in society can abuse hypnosis and try to (and fail to) use for evil. The power of suggestion simply doesn’t work when stacking up to God’s truth, promises and bible. All hypnosis is, is the natural sleep state you are in right as you are drifting off to sleep, nothing more.
  • Magic doesn’t exist and is rubbish. Many magicians are Satanists. Not David Blaine. He is simply an endurance entertainer and mentally strong individual. Nothing more.
  • The false prophet who will usher in the final anti-Christ will do amazing nature signs and wonders but don’t believe any of them they will all be fake and simply the weather in the world which will be messed up and easier for Satan to manipulate due to it being the tribulation 7 year period after the rapture happens. Don’t fall for the shiny fake magic and tricks.
  • On a demonic and evil note the following are all evil Satanic examples which don’t work and are nothing more than evil garbage attempted by the 0.001 per cent of evil Satanist men and Satanist women in society compared to everyone else:


All Examples Of Evil Garbage

Divination and Fortune Telling

  1. Tarot reading
  2. Palmistry
  3. Crystal ball gazing (scrying)
  4. Astrology
  5. Numerology
  6. Pendulum divination
  7. I Ching reading
  8. Rune casting
  9. Tea leaf reading (tasseography)
  10. Automatic writing
  11. Oracle card readings
  12. Bone casting (throwing bones)
  13. Dream interpretation
  14. Dice divination (astragalomancy)
  15. Water scrying (hydromancy)

Occult Practices

  1. Seances
  2. Mediumship
  3. Spirit channeling
  4. Necromancy
  5. Ouija board use
  6. Summoning rituals
  7. Invocations or evocations
  8. Black magic rituals
  9. Blood magic
  10. Sigil crafting
  11. Ceremonial magic
  12. Spellcasting
  13. Cursing or hexing
  14. Binding spells
  15. Banishing rituals

Witchcraft and Pagan Practices

  1. Wiccan rituals
  2. Sabbats and Esbats (Wiccan holidays)
  3. Drawing down the moon
  4. Herbal magic
  5. Candle magic
  6. Knot magic
  7. Kitchen witchcraft
  8. Elemental magic
  9. Familiar summoning
  10. Shadow work

Spiritualism and Mysticism

  1. Kundalini awakening
  2. Chakra balancing
  3. Astral projection
  4. Lucid dreaming
  5. Energy healing (Reiki)
  6. Spirit animal communication
  7. Aura reading
  8. Shamanic journeying
  9. Past-life regression
  10. Crystal healing

Demonic Themes

  1. Demon summoning rituals
  2. Pact-making with demons
  3. Demonology studies
  4. Infernal names invocation
  5. Left-hand path practices
  6. Satanic worship
  7. Blasphemous rites
  8. Chaos magic
  9. Invocation of Lilith
  10. Infernal sigils

Esoteric Practices

  1. Alchemy
  2. Hermeticism
  3. Kabbalistic mysticism
  4. Sacred geometry
  5. Rosicrucian rituals
  6. Gnostic practices
  7. Thelemic rites
  8. Egyptian Book of the Dead readings
  9. Sacred relics use
  10. Mantras in occult contexts

Dark Arts and Forbidden Practices

  1. Mirror scrying
  2. Death magic
  3. Ancestral magic
  4. Psychic vampirism
  5. Graveyard rituals
  6. Shadow summoning
  7. Spirit traps
  8. Talisman creation
  9. Use of forbidden grimoires

Culturally Specific Practices

  1. Voodoo (Vodou) rituals
  2. Santería practices
  3. Hoodoo workings
  4. Brujería rituals
  5. Djinn summoning
  6. Hexenkopf practices
  7. Zoroastrian magic
  8. African traditional magic
  9. Chinese ghost rituals
  10. Japanese Onmyōdō


  1. Haunted doll rituals
  2. Possession rites
  3. Mirror portals
  4. Invocation of ancient gods
  5. Death divination (nigromancy)
  6. Spirit possession ceremonies
  7. Use of cursed objects
  8. Witch’s ladder
  9. Invocation of the Fates
  10. Apotropaic rituals (warding off evil spirits)

Divination Practices

  1. Tarot reading
  2. Palmistry
  3. Astrology
  4. Numerology
  5. Pendulum divination
  6. Crystal ball gazing (scrying)
  7. Tea leaf reading (tasseography)
  8. Rune casting
  9. I Ching reading
  10. Dice divination (astragalomancy)
  11. Bone casting
  12. Mirror scrying
  13. Fire scrying (pyromancy)
  14. Water scrying (hydromancy)
  15. Sand divination (geomancy)
  16. Smoke reading (capnomancy)
  17. Cloud divination (aeromancy)
  18. Dream interpretation
  19. Shadow reading
  20. Automatic writing
  21. Pendulum charts
  22. Flame divination
  23. Bird flight observation (ornithomancy)
  24. Lot casting
  25. Psychometry
  26. Charms divination
  27. Weather divination
  28. Candle wax reading
  29. Shell divination
  30. Face reading (physiognomy)
  31. Omen reading
  32. Tree divination (dendromancy)
  33. Star chart analysis
  34. Writing sigils for divination
  35. Voice divination (phonoscopy)

Rituals and Magic Practices

  1. Black magic rituals
  2. White magic spells
  3. Gray magic
  4. Chaos magic
  5. Ceremonial magic
  6. Candle magic
  7. Knot magic
  8. Blood magic
  9. Spirit summoning
  10. Elemental magic
  11. Circle casting
  12. Banishing rituals
  13. Binding spells
  14. Healing spells
  15. Hexing
  16. Cursing
  17. Sigil crafting
  18. Protective wards
  19. Fake Love spells
  20. Fake prosperity rituals
  21. Invocation of spirits
  22. Evocation of entities
  23. Ancestral magic
  24. Fertility spells
  25. Glamour magic
  26. Time magic
  27. Cloaking spells
  28. Power transfer rituals
  29. Fire rituals
  30. Lunar magic
  31. Planetary magic
  32. Solar magic
  33. Weather control rituals
  34. Soul-binding
  35. Invocation of deities
  36. Vortex magic
  37. Mirror portals
  38. Candle offerings
  39. Ritual sacrifice (symbolic or actual)
  40. Consecration of tools
  41. Anointing rituals
  42. Crossroads rituals
  43. Graveyard offerings
  44. Ritual fasting

Witchcraft Practices

  1. Kitchen witchcraft
  2. Green witchcraft
  3. Hedge witchcraft
  4. Sea witchcraft
  5. Bone witchcraft
  6. Solitary witchcraft
  7. Traditional witchcraft
  8. Eclectic witchcraft
  9. Familiar summoning
  10. Sabbat celebrations
  11. Esbat moon rituals
  12. Offering to the elements
  13. Harvest rituals
  14. Nature blessings
  15. Herb drying for magic
  16. Potion brewing
  17. Spell journaling
  18. Charm crafting
  19. Wand charging
  20. Crystal grids
  21. Making mojo bags
  22. Witch bottles
  23. Warding your home
  24. Grounding exercises
  25. Channeling wild energy
  26. Shadow work
  27. Astral plane rituals
  28. Visualization practices
  29. Cleansing sacred spaces
  30. Offering food or drink to people or free gifts that have been contaminated or poisoned

Esoteric Studies

  1. Alchemy
  2. Hermeticism
  3. Kabbalah
  4. Sacred geometry
  5. Gnostic practices
  6. Rosicrucian studies
  7. Thelema teachings
  8. Zoroastrian rituals
  9. Egyptian Book of the Dead readings
  10. Tibetan Book of the Dead rituals
  11. Study of ancient grimoires
  12. Meditation on ancient symbols
  13. Study of divine correspondences
  14. Knowledge of planetary hours
  15. Creation of mandalas
  16. Study of chakras
  17. Kundalini activation
  18. Spirit energy harnessing
  19. Karmic alignment
  20. Study of the Akashic Records

Occult Tools and Items

  1. Athames (ritual knives)
  2. Wands
  3. Cauldrons
  4. Chalices
  5. Witchcraft altars
  6. Altar cloths
  7. Pentacles
  8. Amulets
  9. Talismans
  10. Crystals
  11. Sigils
  12. Grimoire
  13. Mirrors for scrying
  14. (Sometimes) Incense
  15. (Sometimes) Herbs
  16. Oils
  17. Candles
  18. Bones
  19. Tarot cards
  20. Oracle cards
  21. Pendulums
  22. Sometimes musical instruments playing Satanic sounds (rare but happens)
  23. (Sometimes explained below) Bells
  24. (Sometimes explained below) Feathers

Feathers in Malevolent Practices

Feathers, symbolizing air and communication, can be manipulated to carry harmful intentions or connect with dark entities. Their uses in malevolent contexts include:

  1. Conduits for Negative Energy:
    Feathers can be used to direct curses or hexes toward a person or object, symbolically carrying harmful energy on the “winds” of the spirit world.
    • Example: Waving a black feather in a ritual to send ill will or misfortune toward someone.
  2. Summoning Malevolent Spirits:
    Certain types of feathers, especially those from animals associated with death or darkness (e.g., crows, vultures), might be used to invoke spirits with harmful intent.
    • Example: Placing feathers on an altar to invite a malicious entity into a space.
  3. Creating a Curse or Hex Tool:
    Feathers may be incorporated into ritual objects like cursed dolls, effigies, or poppets to enhance their connection to the target.
    • Example: Binding a feather with string to represent the victim’s “spirit,” then using it in destructive rituals.
  4. Symbolic Air Manipulation:
    Feathers might be used to create chaotic or destructive energy in the spirit realm, disrupting harmony or bringing confusion.
    • Example: Using a feather to stir smoke or ashes in a ritual aimed at sowing discord.
  5. Desecration of Sacred Spaces:
    Feathers associated with sacred or divine symbolism (like dove feathers) can be ritually defiled to insult positive spirits or deities.
    • Example: Burning or marking holy feathers in a ritual to sever someone’s spiritual protection.

Bells in Malevolent Practices

Bells, associated with sound vibrations and spiritual boundaries, can be twisted to serve dark purposes by invoking chaos, summoning negative entities, or destabilizing energy. Examples include:

  1. Summoning Dark Spirits:
    The sound of a bell can act as a call to spirits, including those with malicious or destructive tendencies.
    • Example: Ringing a specific bell to attract malevolent spirits during a dark summoning ritual.
  2. Breaking Wards and Protections:
    Bells can disrupt protective energies, creating openings for negative forces to enter.
    • Example: Ringing a bell at the threshold of a home to weaken spiritual defenses.
  3. Cursing with Sound:
    Certain rituals may involve ringing a bell repeatedly to send harmful energy toward a target, using sound waves as the carrier.
    • Example: A bell enchanted with a curse is rung to direct harm or illness to someone.
  4. Amplifying Chaos:
    Bells can be rung in dissonant patterns or at specific frequencies to create spiritual chaos, disrupting peace or clarity in a space.
    • Example: Using multiple bells to create an unsettling atmosphere during a malevolent ceremony.
  5. Binding Spirits to Locations or Objects:
    Bells may be used to trap spirits in specific places or objects, often for malevolent purposes.
    • Example: Using a bell to “seal” a spirit within a cursed doll or mirror.
  6. Mocking Sacred Rites:
    Bells traditionally used for spiritual protection or summoning positive energies can be inverted in intent, mocking or desecrating their sacred purpose.
    • Example: Using a sanctified bell in a ritual designed to insult or taunt protective deities.

Combined Use of Feathers and Bells for Harm

In some cases, feathers and bells might be used together in rituals with malevolent intent:

  • Summoning and Directing Malevolent Forces: A bell might be rung to summon a spirit, while a feather is used to direct its energy toward a target.
  • Curse Amplification: A feather tied to a bell could symbolize an amplified connection between the target and the curse, combining sound (to disrupt) and air (to carry).
  • Ritual Disturbance: A combination of feathers and bells may be used to disrupt sacred or protective rituals performed by others.
  1. Animal claws or teeth
  2. Spirit boards (Ouija)
  3. Divination boards
  4. Sand for geomancy
  5. Animal hides
  6. Cursed objects
  7. Personal totems

Practices with Spirits or Deities

  1. Spirit channeling
  2. Spirit feeding
  3. False spirit protection spells
  4. Ancestral veneration
  5. Offering rituals to deities
  6. Deity invocation
  7. Building spirit altars
  8. Summoning guardian spirits
  9. Invocation of familiars
  10. Possession ceremonies
  11. Spirit dances
  12. Shamanic journeying
  13. Offering libations
  14. Spirit blessing objects
  15. Spirit negotiation rituals

Specific Cultural Practices

  1. Voodoo rituals
  2. Hoodoo workings
  3. Santería ceremonies
  4. Brujería spells
  5. Djinn summoning
  6. African tribal magic
  7. Japanese Onmyōdō
  8. Chinese ancestor rituals
  9. Indian tantric practices
  10. Celtic druidry
  11. Norse seiðr magic
  12. Greek oracular practices
  13. Mayan blood rituals
  14. Aztec ceremonial magic
  15. Slavic paganism
  16. Roman augury


  1. Haunted object rituals
  2. Invocation of archangels
  3. Infernal pact-making
  4. Writing demonic pacts
  5. Curse amplification
  6. Spirit traps

— All of the above is nothing more than evil garbage that doesn’t work on people who have God in reality. Seriously.


  • When you confront evil Satanists on their lies and evil they literally physically run and scream in terror every single time. They cannot stand God and his word as they know God and the bible is the truth and is real. Ironically, it is actually their own lies and evil that scare them when confronted on it, they even admit it is stupid, let that sink in — they are terrified of Jesus Christ and God more than anything.
  • All natural healers, spiritual guides, people who claim to heal or teach people miraculously are evil Satanist demonic garbage. Never go to them or give them or your money or see fortune tellers, tarot readers. Garbage.
  • For some reason Satan specifically links evil from a geographical and spiritual standpoint between the country of Scotland and the county Donegal in Ireland most likely for generational curses on the people of Donegal and Scotland. This is being dismantled now and is being cut down once and for all and was cut down in 2025.
  • In the final connecting the dots and putting the pieces together of where the root of evil is on Earth it was mostly in four small places: Cork in Ireland, Donegal in Ireland, Glasgow in Scotland and Cornwall in England. The remaining small number of evil men and evil women in these places will all be removed from Almighty God and his most powerful angels from every country on Earth now and speeding up every day that goes by. Those 3 countries will be fine down the road no issues but those four places are having all the evil decimated.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ Conor McGregor, the worldwide fight star from Ireland, who was found liable for assault in Ireland in 2024 and guilty of absolutely nothing, and 100 per cent not liable for rape nor guilty of it, will clear his name from that rubbish case that the Irish government agency DPP threw out twice for lack of evidence before the above civil action, and will successfully and easily litigate against crooked website and organization in Ireland who illegally and cowardly printed ‘Nikita Hand wins rape civil action against McGregor’ and will also litigate against and win easily against little known Irish website owned by Colm Williamson of Tramore, County Waterford, Ireland who will also be removed who referred to McGregor cowardly, wrongly and illegally as a ‘rapist’ on their X account below on December 18 2024 and will reclaim all other costs at some point in time in the future amen:
  • Old traditional legacy media is nose diving and tanking to oblivion in 2024 and new media will only continue to over take it in all aspects from 2025 onwards.
  • Nobody knows what God looks like but he is a good father to us all and loves you more than your mother and father ever could, think about that.
  • On a fake science note that Satan and a small number of Satanists try to push (and did during the Covid 19 pandemic) ways to combat this that will be used in 2025 and beyond:


The science community can combat the spread of fake science from far-left accounts on social media through a multi-pronged approach:

1. Proactive Engagement:

  • Dedicated Fact-Checking Initiatives: Establish teams of scientists and science communicators to actively monitor social media platforms for the spread of misinformation.
  • Rapid Response Mechanisms: Develop systems for quickly identifying and debunking misleading or false scientific claims.
  • Collaborate with Platforms: Work directly with social media companies to develop tools and features that can help identify and flag potentially harmful or misleading scientific information.

2. Empowering the Public:

  • Science Communication Training: Train scientists and science communicators in effective science communication techniques, including how to engage with the public on social media and effectively counter misinformation.  
  • Develop Critical Thinking Skills: Promote science education programs that emphasize critical thinking skills, such as evaluating evidence, identifying biases, and recognizing logical fallacies.
  • Create Accessible Resources: Develop user-friendly resources and platforms that provide accurate and reliable scientific information to the general public.

3. Leveraging Technology:

  • AI-Powered Detection Tools: Utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to identify patterns of misinformation and detect fake accounts.  
  • Data Visualization: Use data visualization techniques to effectively communicate complex scientific information and debunk misleading claims.  

4. Promoting Transparency and Trust:

  • Open Science Practices: Promote open science practices, such as open data sharing and peer review, to increase transparency and build trust in scientific research.  
  • Address Public Concerns: Actively address public concerns and engage in constructive dialogue with the public on scientific issues.  

5. Counteracting Echo Chambers:

  • Promote Diverse Perspectives: Encourage the inclusion of diverse voices and perspectives within the scientific community.
  • Foster Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between scientists, science communicators, and the public to build trust and understanding.

By implementing these strategies, the science community can play a crucial role in combating the spread of fake science and ensuring that the public has access to accurate and reliable scientific information.

The scientific community can play a crucial role in exposing and educating the general public about fake science theories and misinformation pushed by any ideological group, including far-left fake science accounts. This requires a multi-pronged approach that leverages practical strategies, scientific rigor, logical frameworks, and accessible communication methods. Here’s how:

1. Strengthening the Foundations of Public Understanding

Promote Scientific Literacy

  • Curriculum Integration: Advocate for science education that emphasizes critical thinking, the scientific method, and the ability to assess evidence.
  • Interactive Education: Use hands-on experiments, simulations, and gamified learning to make science engaging and understandable.
  • Scientific Journalism: Work with journalists to present science news accurately and compellingly, debunking fake claims in real-time.

Basic Principles Campaigns

  • Explain Key Concepts: Educate the public on basic scientific principles like causation vs. correlation, peer review, and statistical significance.
  • Highlight Red Flags: Provide easy guides to spotting fake science, such as overly simplistic conclusions, lack of credible sources, or cherry-picked data.

2. Proactively Countering Misinformation

Identify and Address Fake Claims

  • Social Media Monitoring: Use AI to track and analyze the spread of fake science on platforms. Focus on debunking claims that gain significant traction.
  • Real-Time Fact-Checking: Collaborate with fact-checking organizations to swiftly counter false narratives.

Science Communication Task Forces

  • Rapid Response Teams: Establish teams of scientists and communicators to address misinformation in real time.
  • Tailored Messaging: Use simple, relatable language and visuals to refute fake claims while presenting the correct information.

Engage Influencers and Community Leaders

  • Collaboration: Partner with trusted figures in communities affected by misinformation, including educators, religious leaders, and local influencers.
  • Accessible Experts: Provide accessible platforms for scientists to answer public questions directly.

3. Using Practical and Common-Sense Approaches

Use Analogies and Everyday Examples

  • Relatability: Explain complex ideas using familiar scenarios (e.g., comparing herd immunity to wildfire prevention).
  • Visual Tools: Create infographics, animations, and videos that simplify scientific concepts without oversimplifying.

Emphasize Impacts on Daily Life

  • Practical Applications: Showcase how real science positively impacts people’s health, safety, and technology.
  • Expose Harms of Fake Science: Share real-world consequences of believing in fake theories, such as the resurgence of preventable diseases due to anti-vaccine rhetoric.

4. Data-Driven Education

Transparent and Open Data

  • Public Access to Data: Make scientific data open and accessible, accompanied by simple explanations.
  • Interactive Tools: Develop user-friendly tools for the public to explore and interact with scientific data.

Visualizing Evidence

  • Before-and-After Scenarios: Show visual comparisons (e.g., pollution levels before and after regulations) to highlight science-backed solutions.
  • Case Studies: Use real-world examples of how fake science has been debunked through data.

5. Logical and Scientific Frameworks

Promote Critical Thinking

  • Debunk Logical Fallacies: Teach the public how to identify common fallacies (e.g., appeal to emotion, false equivalence) in fake science arguments.
  • Foster Inquiry: Encourage people to ask questions like “What is the source?” and “Is there consensus among experts?”

Highlight the Scientific Consensus

  • Amplify Agreement: Emphasize areas of overwhelming scientific consensus, such as climate change or vaccine efficacy.
  • Unified Messaging: Present consistent messages across global scientific organizations to counteract fragmented misinformation.

6. Improving Social Media Strategies

Leverage Algorithms for Good

  • Boost Credible Content: Collaborate with platforms to amplify content from credible scientific sources.
  • Downrank Fake Science: Work with platforms to suppress content identified as misinformation without engaging in overt censorship.

Engage Audiences

  • Humor and Creativity: Use memes, humor, and storytelling to make scientific facts go viral.
  • Interactive Campaigns: Host live Q&A sessions, Twitter chats, and TikTok challenges with scientists.

7. Building Trust

Humanizing Scientists

  • Personal Stories: Share the stories and journeys of scientists to make them relatable.
  • Transparency: Acknowledge uncertainties and limitations in science to build trust and authenticity.

Collaborative Efforts

  • Global Science Alliances: Unite international scientific organizations to combat misinformation collectively.
  • Community-Led Initiatives: Involve local communities in science advocacy to ensure the message resonates culturally and contextually.

8. Encouraging Accountability

Expose Misinformation Campaigns

  • Follow the Money: Reveal funding sources or motivations behind fake science campaigns.
  • Call Out Bad Actors: Publicly identify and counteract organizations or individuals spreading deliberate misinformation.

Policy Advocacy

  • Regulation of Misinformation: Advocate for policies requiring social media platforms to take stronger action against fake science.
  • Promote Ethical Standards: Encourage media outlets and content creators to adhere to scientific accuracy.


  • God is so powerful you cannot grasp how powerful he actually is. Don’t waste your time trying to understand him. He is above you. It is that simple. All of us are only here because of God.
  • Religion and science are not enemies. They are friends. God created all things including science, which can be used for the purpose of good or evil. Anything can be. Simple.
  • Simplicity is genius in all aspects of life and civilization. It always has been and always will.
  • Sometimes Satanists try to use false theology, false history, false big words in psychology to simply distract users and time waste by social media scrolling online in a bid to get them to listen to their pointless word salad arguments basically to distract, deceive or tempt to believe their garbage. Don’t fall for it.
  • Psychology is only an overrated theoretical science, nothing more, not an exact one like mathematical sciences. It is all based on theories ultimately and his highly limited.
  • The pharmaceutical industry is what is wrong with not only America but much of the world. A pill for everything. An evil industry mostly. People don’t need any of these garbage products other than a temporary crutch in life in extreme circumstances. Exercise, good diet, rest and water is better than anything.
  • Dr. Phil is one of the good guys in US television and uses common sense quite well.
  • Jordan Peterson in Canada is one of the good guys in his space sure but once again being a good person doesn’t get you to heaven, only Jesus Christ can, and, this Peterson character is frequently very lost and is very jumpy and extremely nervous all the time for some reason with some crazy lobster hand movements or something, not sure what the obsession with lobsters is, and, is overly provocative in his pushiness to non-believers of God since realizing God and the bible is real and true. He appears to have found God but then back peddles and looks to find human theologian and philosopher interpretations (garbage) of the bible which are pointless, the word is the word, God doesn’t change nor does his word, from Genesis right up to today’s times of Revelation. Those who want God can access him at anytime through prayer for free. No need to sell anything to non-believers. The Peterson guy knows God is in charge and leads the way so there’s really nothing that can be learned anymore from the guy if you have God, God and the bible are the only teachers that exist, not people, God and the Bible and if you have real followers of Jesus Christ, real Jews or real Muslims (that’s billions of people all around the world by the way in total) near you in life are good, everything else just doesn’t count in the end. Previous response applies.
  • On this Jordan Peterson lobster obsessed always nervously flailing his hands mimicking the lobster animal for some reason individual, all this stuff from him oh change the world. Man, don’t you know some people already been changing the world for years and already did change it. Go focus on making your own country great Canadian motherf***** you won, you should be happy we told you that Justin Trudeau guy was going to be gotten rid of didn’t we? Alright then. Go focus on your country of Canada making that great again before worrying about other people’s countries like the United States of America. This Peterson chump was simply an arrogant know it all who doesn’t realize the power of God, he remembers that hospital bed not long ago, God and God’s angels will discipline him again in 2025 and beyond and put him right back into something similar in that hospital God for not fearing God. He will understand the power of God then. Canada is nothing more than a 51st State of America, garbage, the Latin, Central and South America countries, and the US are all better together than that Canada garbage, and, that’s a lot of countries on that side of the world too. Good people in Canada but they let their country go to dirt with letting in that swine Trudeau, so long, amen.
  • Justin Trudeau falling in early 2025 is only the collapse of much of these extreme radical far left socialist leaders falling. Good riddance. The final anti-Christ once again in the beginning will come as a global leader of socialism, garbage, adios. Once again, we told you so.
  • Once again the meaning of life is simple. Heaven or hell. It really is that simple. However your life can have more meaning while here on Earth based on goals you set yourself here on Earth. Whatever it is you want to achieve or do. You can do it. Anything. Whether its been a real life war hero, a sports hero, a hero of charity and saving and helping poor motherf****** around the world in the East and West, a humanity international hero who saved more white and black motherf***** lives and souls that he can even remember over the years. Whatever it is, if you just want to have an office job and a mortgage or whatever, you can. You can comeback from near death, God brings people back all the time. Everyone has different objectives and goals in life. Never have dreams only have goals and objectives. The dream for everyone is getting to heaven. Seriously. You will see when not only you get there, but when its back here on Earth too, it is way more reality there than here by some margin. It is impossible to explain. Only one man here on Earth allows heaven to touch Earth everyday when he gets out of bed. Jesus Christ is King. On finding meaning of life, you can have a Ferrari, a beautiful hot wife (who has a personality and is a good person as well, yes, they do exist there is tonnes of them), money, whatever, that stuff is all easy. True peace though comes from God. Everything good you ever do is down to God in the end, all the stuff on this thread. In the end though, for some, a very rare few he really don’t mind getting into the trenches so to speak, it comes down to basic stuff. The motivation is purely winning at everything as regularly as possible in all aspects of life and work. It is that simple. Success, stamina and fitness, having some gas in the tank, good diet no takeaways, around good people not of evil/Satan, not living in a garbage s****** that tries to steal energy from you and once again, winning. Winning is everything. Nothing else counts. Total annihilation of evil at its route — fight fight fight — from where it is from geographically and precisely and once again, becoming the greatest man, the greatest motherf****** that ever lived on this green Earth, Michael Jordan style, quietly, all that, after Jesus Christ, as he was the only perfect man that was ever here when he was here in the flesh. The blood of Jesus Christ and trusting in it is the only thing that saves. All praise and glory to God Jesus Christ amen. The end.
  • If you are a naturally quiet and introvert in life always keep things that way, no need to bend to anyone else’s garbage theories of what leaders should do. Garbage. Plenty of leaders around the world in all industries who no one even knows about, just as wealthy as many on those Forbes billionaires lists. Don’t believe these lists and things in the news. Seriously.
  • Satan is a male creature that has 3 personalities as punishment for rebelling against God in heaven (when he was Lucifer) when he was kicked out — a shady hiding one Lucifer, a Spanish/Portuguese one focused on depraved bent evil and the third is an angry one known as Satan (which is the one you see mostly today).
  • However at his core Lucifer he is a shady scared hiding creature who takes the form of other creatures (snakes in the garden of Eden) and sometimes in the form of people. Often he is in the form of Lucifer in today’s times where he is most busy in physical churches like the Vatican and Catholic evil churches. Also sometimes in the background is corrupted pencil-pushing scared hiding administration type workers/civil servants never a loss to society when they are taken out of the equation, ever.
  • Evil/Satan uses buzz words and popular culture in a given point in history whether things like fake autism, fake science, fake translations of languages, fake pop culture comparisons, everything he does is fake and is to mimic God he cannot originally do anything himself. It is all just rubbish and bulls***.
  • Satan (original name Lucifer) has 3 main components to his evil in today’s times: (1) Spiritual (churches, this is where he is most shady in his Luciferin form and most busy now inside religions pretending to be followers of God but some of the most evil people you could ever meet) (2) Geographical (Also can be looked at as logistical/structural, his tiny number of people in government administration services to slow down things, red tape, working in city centers in bars, shops, barbers to try to hex/curse cash, hair, clothes things the general public physically touch, bus stations/airports/train stations where people commute often as workers behind desks again in these places (3) Cultural (radio, sometimes on occasion but not always in the media, frequently though in opera, arts and bad art, also spreading evil through B2C businesses that deal with the general public). It is important to realize these people are the 0.001 per cent of the world’s population but just make a lot of noise and are pests and have to be put down sometimes.
  • God bless the vast majority of people from India who are good people with no evil spirits/Satanists but the 0.001 per cent of tiny amount compared to the rest of society who are of evil spirits are dog trash and until they are removed from Europe, India and wherever else they exported their evil to around the world, India will continue to never be trusted.
  • Satanists mimic things believers of God do with their body language all the time. It means nothing. Test the spirits always on Earth.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ all countries including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, North Korea, Sri Lanka and everybody else towards the end of 2024 and moving forward in 2025 thereafter that began downgrading all official government and business ties with the nation of India specifically and precisely until their nation and incompetent Prime Minister Modi finally got rid of the rest of the small few remaining cyber fraud Indian criminals in their nation and stopped letting the last remaining small few evil citizens of India emigrate to places like Italy and Ireland to study and work but do so, only a small few of them, but under the guise to do with the purpose of spreading evil amen. This ban and downgrade on all of India worldwide gradually accelerated daily as time went on and was reviewed again after Narendra Modi finally and the Indian military finally got a hand on the small few remaining evil Indian men and Indian women in their country spreading evil internationally to some countries.
  • The good people of India which is the 99.99 per cent of Indian men and women and their families worldwide of all religions will of course always be welcome anywhere to work or study just not the 0.0001 per cent of evil dirtbags that went to places like Italy and Ireland to spread evil and cyber fraud scams internationally whom the Indian government and the good people in the Indian military are finally, at long last, totally closing the net on all the time — working hand and hand with all the other countries and private peoples of the world both in India and internationally.
  • One of the better quotes of all time, Michael Jordan: “I hope the millions of people I’ve touched have the optimism and desire to share their goals and hard work and persevere with a positive attitude.”
  • Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. All Satan tries to do is mimic and will do so again with his anti-Christ proclaiming himself as God during the 7 tribulation years. Look at the 7 garbage evil 7 tenants of Satanism, their evil play on the 10 commandments. It is all a pack of lies with Satan, how clear and obvious can this possibly be.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ after 2025 Satan will try to repopulate Cork in Southern Ireland precisely with evil that was removed from it by abusing the UK Common Travel Area between Ireland the UK with trying to send new evil from there to Cork in Ireland — and from other parts of Ireland — but it won’t work because the evil will be cut down at route in the UK or other parts of Ireland before it tries to reach Cork by air, rail, sea, bus or automobile from anywhere amen. Cut down time.
  • The best most powerful prayer in the world is the ‘Our Father’ — your own will cannot change God’s will and purpose, you can have your own goals and plans sure but they will always change anyway nothing in life goes exactly how you think it will — and that’s a good thing — that’s to show you God is in control fully — God’s will always is done at the end. ‘Thy Will Be Done’ — God’s will in the Book of Revelation and thereafter will come to pass. God’s promises and prophecies always do. No Satan, human or nothing in the universe can stop God. Literally. Nothing. If God wants something or some one out of the way, that’s it for them or it. Drop of a hat. Just like that. Easy. Seriously.
  • All anyone really needs is a clean bed, clean bottled water, blinds/curtains in their home, food in the fridge and electricity.
  • BDSM is garbage and sadly is a form of therapy for people who go through more than most in life in terms of very, very extreme grief and trauma and not only loss of loved ones but even more extreme things like never meeting members of family before they died, and some people usually upon research who have been around an unusual amount of death in life, turn to things like this out of their heads on alcohol, drugs as a form of funeral therapy and grieving but some pain doesn’t go away until heaven unfortunately. In the end though, you don’t need these things nor smoking, gambling, coffee, takeaways, fast food, random one night women of the night, booze, drugs, these things ultimately leave people empty anyway and are fleeting. One woman is enough.
  • Be smart in life and surround yourself with good people.
  • In life don’t use the rope a dope strategy that Muhammad Ali used against Foreman in boxing to any areas of life. Although it works no need to box clever instead if you can knock something out do it quick you don’t get paid for overtime in life.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ Airbnb as an idea and company started off as a good idea but turned into nothing more than a criminal evil company over time which caused more trouble for countries around the world than it was worth in the end and is being removed around the world as a company including all evil men and evil women who work for it in its Dublin, Ireland and Irish offices and offices worldwide being completely removed as well as its criminal CEO Brian Chesky in the US being removed amen. Something better will come along. That’s how innovation and enterprise works.
  • It is easy to throw stones and the Irish Prime Minister guy Michael Martin from that Southern Ireland Cork place comes in for a lot of unjust criticism from what we can see in their country, and he is a good man, that said, he really screwed up Ireland’s housing as the Prime Minister for so long and specifically screwed up that Cork place. How he allowed so much Satanists and stupid people to get involved in the civil service running of and in that crooked dying Cork Chamber of Commerce thing in that evil bent dying ugly Cork place in Southern Ireland will mean he will have to take some responsibility for that at some point, as all those people will simply not be in those positions and/or not around anymore in 2025 anyway. Replace them with non Satanists whatever their beliefs are and with competent people as good people still have to live in that place for a while. So long.
  • Sacrificing animals and using their blood is evil Satanic garbage. Sacrificing animals was done away with when Jesus Christ came here in the flesh. The only power is in the precious blood of Jesus Christ trusting in the blood of Jesus Christ for what he did for you on the cross is what saves people.
  • Satan tries to use traumatic childhood places and/or people to retraumatize their memories during sleep nightmares but it is all just evil rubbish garbage. Once you actually call him out in it, ah, that’s you again there crow boy isn’t it while laughing at him he legs it every time hahaha.
  • Satan tries to say believers of God don’t deserve to get to heaven or are bad people because what they did that time or this time but he knows it is garbage as everyone is a sinner but the truth is once you deserve God you still sin you just sin way less that’s all. Good works don’t get you to heaven only believing in Jesus Christ, trusting in his blood on the cross for what he did for us all is what gets you there, as well as having a personal relationship with God and knowing him, and being born again, you don’t want to get to your death day and be told depart from me I never knew you, that is the worst thing of all.
  • God’s payback to evil people is real both in this life and in hell. Let that sink in.
  • Sometimes Satan comes in the form of what appears to be a harmless old lady or old man, look at Pope Francis, the second most evil man in history. Or he might come as a beautiful attractive woman in rare cases, always use discernment. Satan can also come in the form of harmless refugees yet are completely evil then, in some cases, this is his poor me mentality and how he tries to disarm people through things like the above.
  • Freemasons are Satanic evil garbage.
  • Some Jehovah Witnesses are satanic evil garbage. Some will get to heaven based on believing in Jesus Christ but much of what they claim is garbage.
  • ‘The Higher Power’ in AA/Alcoholics Anonymous, which started off as a good idea when founded, turned into an organization that was unfortunately infiltrated internationally by Satan in the 21st century where the higher power was used by some as Satan himself. This worked perfectly for Satanists and evil people so they could attend meetings being around believers of Jesus Christ to try to get information (well, what they thought was info) on believers of God and try to curse them. Also the higher power is an anonymous thing so it works perfectly for the 0.001 per cent of evil men and evil women of Satan in society as they don’t actually have to then reveal what, or who, their higher power is (Satan to them) — so it is perfect for Satan as really he is Lucifer still at his core and he thrives on shadiness.
  • God gives his hardest battles to only his strongest men. There is many men that are not famous who have been here on this Earth who would make Jon Jones of the UFC or Muhammad Ali of boxing look like mouses.
  • After considerable analysis and consideration, without doubt and without question, Jon Jones of the UFC is a complete once off and stands alone in history as totally, completely unique. There is simply no one or nothing to compare him too ever in these times or in history. That is true. He is the greatest fighter that ever lived.
  • Rope a dope is a highly effective tactic and strategy or exposing where evil hides and is in life but don’t use it too often in any aspect of work or life. Muhammad Ali in a boxing context paid for using this tactic too much later in his life with an effect on his health. He should not have fought on that long. Be smart. Leave life with your faculties intact. Rest is underrated in life and is not lazy. Don’t think it is. This is a mistake. Rest.
  • Airbnb reviews are often complete scams, do not trust always trust them, do research, think. Often time these companies don’t have the resources to police fake reviews on their platforms and need to rely on users. Think for yourself, yes, do your own research but also use other people’s research too to smartly collate both yours, and their, research, to form a decision basis on if using a certain product or service. Never rush. This is a mistake in life. Never rush into anything.
  • India is a country that is so crooked and bad, its air is regularly voted to be by far the worst most poisonous air in the entire planet out of any nation. (Parts of not all) India, that Cork place in South Ireland and Budapest in Hungary are ugly places and have (a small) number of bad evil garbage people in these places. Parts of Argentina and Brazil are also two places to be avoided although they have many good people some (tiny number) very bad places and people, anywhere else in South America is good though. A small number of Argentinians are some of the worst human beings that ever lived, case in point, their citizen that Italy unforgivably left into Europe and Italy, Mario Bergoglio. Everywhere else is okay. The above five places specifically and precisely will be good again during the 1000 year reign of Christ. 100 per cent. Diego Maradona and Lionel Messi will even co-commentate the Copa America in those days together.
  • Solar panels are a good idea for home grown electricity and so is growing your own food, being a good idea too.
  • AI in the future will be dangerous. Keep it under control.
  • The expression judge someone’s ethics by how they treat the waiter is correct, and true, sure, but never forget there is a lot of trash in that industry too and some waiters and waitress (a tiny number of them) are evil bad Satanist people, think about that before you come back to the above popular saying. Treat good people with kindness but never bad people with kindness. Know the difference. Okay then.
  • Some of the best looking women, physically, looks, heart, soul and in all ways in no specific order are: Marilyn Monroe, Jennifer Lopez, Tulsi Gabbard, Kelly Rowland, Sandra Bullock in her younger days, Michelle Pfeiffer in her younger days, Whitney Houston, Camila Cabello, Keri Hilson, Ebanie Bridges, Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll, Kathleen Anne Brien, Carrie-Anne Moss when in her prime in the Matrix movies — there are many more — but the above are all a few top notch.
  • Abortion is evil and was started properly in America and has murdered hundreds of millions, maybe billions of babies since. Those responsible from Margaret Sanger in the beginning have and will pay much more dearly by God for this. Sanger was a highly evil Satanist at the time that came up with Planned Parenthood in America. There is a special place in hell where she is right now, rest assured, she would give anything to get out of being burned alive right now in hell as we speak but God will not take her out of that place where she is now. She deserves it for what she lead to cause the aborting of maybe billions of unborn kids since through abortion — that is what it is and the truth.
  • Hell is not a party. Heaven is. Hell is so bad you can’t comprehend it. It is not possible. You don’t want to go there.
  • Satan does not actually care about the tiny number of people who follow him, whereas God is love. God in the end times however loses his patience with bad people and removes them as they cannot be saved nor want to be, this is a tiny amount of people compared the rest of 99.99 per cent of society.
  • Communism and socialism is evil, socialism is the same thing, both have done more damage to this planet in 7000 years than any war combined, abortion a close second.
  • Don’t chase cars, money, girls the right one whether car, job, woman will come to you at the right time (not second before) never chase anything in life as God is in control more than you can even possibly understand. Everything has a right time in life. God’s time is best.
  • Grilled fish sandwiches are tasty and healthy.
  • Salt and garlic are underrated, as is vinegar.
  • Time was a made up concept by humans God’s cares little for it his ways are not our ways time to him exists totally differently.
  • Upon analysis sometimes even though they are attractive and hot dark women and very small in height women (white, black, Asian whatever) have a slightly higher per centage of chance of being one of the 0.0001 per cent of Satanic evil women.
  • Women deserve to be respected and treated right but in a rare 0.0001 per cent of cases the planet is better off without 0.0001 per cent of evil women, Jezebel is much, much worse than Satan in many ways. God has a special punishment for her soon. Refer to the book of Revelation and also Babylon.
  • Kids are great have many of them, have ten kids with the right woman if you can during the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ after the 7 year tribulation is over and the Anti-Christ and False Prophet are thrown into the Lake of Fire and Satan is bound for 1000 years (after which he will be released one last time for a little while then removed from history forever and put into hell), there will be peace on the Earth on those times and no fear of your kids’ safety in those days.
  • The reason God has not removed Satan from history yet (and he can easily right now at any time at the drop of a hat) is it is part of God’s prophetic plan to release him briefly one last time after the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ to prove a point once more.
  • Genesis in the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation in the New Testament Bibles have everything to do with one another and are linked from the beginning to end (then the beginning again of Earth). Nothing has ever got rid of God nor ever will. Nor ever will upset the natural order of things (Julius Caesar tried, he was the most powerful man in history as were the Romans but they still could not get rid of the blue sky). God will restore everything.
  • If you have the pick of all good women of the world, literally many billions of them, don’t go for just looks and how attractive she is, sure, make that the first thing though, but after that, God is looking right through her very being, soul and heart. Forgive, no one is perfect except God.
  • Marrying a good woman is a good thing and maybe is worth more than a clean million dollars but you can’t get stuck together yoked together with an unbeliever.
  • Always leave a bit of bread in the fishes mouth.
  • Never turn on all your ability in life, always chill and hang back and take it handy. Right hand and arm resting out the window resting on the side of the car while driving type mentality is always the best mentality in life. Work hard and have dedication, yes, but work smarter and hard, be smart.
  • Humans, all of them, self-sabotage at times in their life as you get older you get a bit smarter and stronger in life.
  • Drive for show putt for dough.
  • Horses for courses.
  • JFK was the best President America or any country ever had.
  • Satan for some reason in all countries likes to hide things under or above buildings that have dark archway alleys and medieval architecture. Avoid them where possible. Satan hates and is afraid of light on Earth. He can’t stand it. Satan would do anything for God to accept him and let him back into heaven.
  • Donald Trump is fighting evil in America that no one even knows about.
  • Italy is the second most beautiful country in the history of Earth but like Polish are not confident enough in themselves, they are slow to change but need to adapt their mentality to prosper more and eliminate poverty in their country and cut ties more with the Vatican, just use it as a tourism place nothing more.
  • Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine is a good man and one of the greatest leaders of the 21st century, without question. He improved a lot as a leader and as a man after he got that big job as President in Ukraine.
  • Nero and Caligula of Lazio, Italy were some of the most evil men ever in history, even more than Hitler, the final Anti-Christ will have Nero’s spirit briefly from hell dwelling in him with Satan directly in the final 7 years of Earth.
  • The main anti-Christ will bring in socialism at the start of his reign using terms like fake compassion, fake kindness, fake peace, fake empathy and so on but will turn into Communism and the most evil man in history three and a half years into his reign before introducing his mark of the beast. That’s why the 0.0001 per cent of evil people in society vote socialism they don’t vote for the person, party or policy they vote the concept as that is the trick the anti-Christ will use initially. Use your brain.
  • Conor McGregor of Dublin, Ireland in prime against Jose Aldo is the best Irish fighter that ever lived when talking any combat sport of fighting.
  • Steve Collins of Dublin, Ireland is the best Irish boxer that ever lived. Irish-American Jack Dempsey a close second, Jimmy McLarnin of County Down, Ireland third. After this in 4th an honorable mention Carl Frampton from Belfast, Ireland. Darren Sutherland of Dublin, Ireland had the ability to be on that list too before his life was cut short. After that, honorable mentions after these are Katie Taylor, Bernard Dunne, Barry McGuigan, TJ Doheny, Andy Lee, Rinty Monaghan and Wayne McCullough. With the greatest of respect, Kenneth Egan and Kellie Harrington while great boxers are still below all of the above on the list as they were amateurs. Amateurs do not cut it on the list of best fighters ever. No way Jose. Professional fighters only. Respect to all the above.
  • The two best dinners are: Grilled chicken, oven fries and peas — and/or battered trout fish, fries, 1 fried/grilled tomato and vegetables.
  • Sea air and sea water is good for humans.
  • Oranges are better than apples.
  • Evolution is not real and is a misconception perpetrated by Satan. People used to live much longer years ago in the Old Testament days before Jesus Christ was here in the flesh.
  • Climate change is real in the sense yes the climate and weather is changing but is a scam in the sense in that anyone that thinks they can tell the weather in 30 years is being truthful. If they can’t predict the weather exactly tomorrow how can they predict it in 30 years time? Okay then.
  • Chocolate is a great business. Chocolate companies should produce more healthy chocolate for the masses. It is basically the only business that works in every country over a long period of time that all people appreciate.
  • Dogs are better than cats.
  • The two greatest movies ever (there are many) but for us are: Dark Knight Rises and Snatch.
  • Muhammad Ali was a good fighter but he should not have fought on as long as he did. He didn’t need to either.
  • Fedor Emelianenko in his prime is the most underrated fighter ever.
  • Khabib Nurmagomedov is the best fighter the East ever produced in any professional combat sport’s history.
  • Jon Jones is the best fighter that ever lived. Easily. By some margin too. It is not even close.
  • Joe Rogan while flawed like anyone changed the 21st century for humanity for the better overall. He changed all the media in the world and changed how billions of people think with what he started in America.
  • Chael Sonnen is one of the good guys who’s father will one day finally see him become world champion during the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ.
  • America will be the envy of the nations again during the 1000 year reign but is an evil place these days. The biggest policy challenge they have is getting rid of the real actual evil from within the United States itself. Not foreign policy or anywhere else.
  • Tiny pocket rat dogs are not dogs, they are rats. If you step out of bed they are so small you could break their necks by accident. Come on, that is not a dog. That is a rat. Anyone who owns a rat dog is likely a Satanist or snake person. Small dogs okay but not the rat looking Satanic looking ones. Satanic evil garbage etc.
  • All snakes should be thrown into giant pools of piranhas to be ripped apart. Snakes and crows contribute little to the animal kingdom.
  • It is how you raise a dog that counts, not its breed.
  • Crows are the only bird in the sky that should be mass culled.
  • The only way to heaven in our times is through Jesus Christ and 144,000 jews around the world who will be redeemed as first fruits at the end of the 7 years of the tribulation/end of days of grace for Earth.
  • College universities are very overrated and largely a waste of money unless you have to become a doctor or lawyer or something. If not one of those professions, forget college, it is overrated and society is seeing this all the time as the years go on.
  • Teach a man to fish rather than give him the fish for nothing.
  • Satan only tries to influence culture but he cannot change anything. Earth, people and even Satan, are still the same as they were 7024 years ago as they are now. Nothing has changed at all. Don’t be fooled by language barriers, cultures and bent corrupt radio stations. It is all a lie with him.
  • Michael Jordan and Alex Ferguson are the two greatest winners that were ever involved in professional sports and maybe in life too in the history of this planet.
  • Professional sport is much different to Olympics or amateur sport, professional sport is the pinnacle of all sport.
  • Wear sunscreen it really does prevent skin cancer.
  • Avoid jealous, weak people who only want to be parasites of you and your success and your blessing and favor by God.
  • In the end of you are a real believer in Jesus Christ all Satan actually has in the end is two things, temptation and distraction. He literally can’t do anything with you. He can’t steal, kill or destroy anything as you can’t break with can’t be broken and what God built. All true believers have this from Jesus Christ. On the two above, he might try to distract you with his harmless, depraved, garbage bent astral travel or astral projection attempts, he literally legs it every time once he knows you know its only him. On temptation, anything Satan offers you is garbage and turn it down. There is nothing he can offer you of worth. In the end, Satan is simply garbage and too many believers focus on the evil when in fact it is all about focusing on Jesus Christ.
  • Poland is underrated but they don’t believe in themselves enough, one day they will be a force like Germany and France in Europe.
  • Mexico is a great country, so is Columbia too, but they need to remove the evil in their fake evil churches.
  • The United Nations is an evil organization. It really is. 9 of its employees orchestrated the Hamas invasion of Israel in 2023 which the UN even admitted and fired the employees for only after they were caught. Bingo.
  • Keep on trucking, the wheel always turns, God is good and has been there every step of the way for all the good things you have in your life if you are honest with yourself.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ it was too easy in the end removing all the evil men and evil women from Cork, Ireland amen God bless the believers and good people of Cork not of the evil spirits amen.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ as the days go by every day more and more evil men and evil women end up mysteriously disappearing or going missing where no one knows where there is all the time at a rapid speedy rate increasing in speed as the days go by all the time which was and is the truth amen.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ God bless the true believers of Jesus Christ, Jews and Muslims in the small country of Ireland amen.
  • Of course the small country of Ireland will survive the tribulation it will likely be bad though for the smaller countries, anyway, it always survived before it will be grand and fine down the road but certainly all the evil Satanist men and Satanist women of the Cork place in southern Ireland will all be wiped out in 2025 — and beyond that — any other small few Satanist men or Satanist women only removed from the island and nation of Ireland too. Remember, Satanists represent the tiny, tiny minority in society and are literally the 0.001 per cent of society at the end of the day. They are never wanted around, never needed and are never missed.
  • People stopped travelling to, investing in or sending people to University College Cork in Ireland in the end as well as travelling to and investing in Cork as a place ultimately as the place became too evil depraved bent Satanic city center in the end down the road Cork will be built up depending on how numbers come in for total numbers of evil men and evil women removed in 2025.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ any evil man or evil woman from Argentina or Brazil who try to travel to Cork, Ireland on a holiday now, on a holiday, to study, live or work or at anytime in the future under the guise of spreading their evil spirits — will meet an appropriate result and sent packing back to where they came from amen.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ at the end of 2024 and in 2025 all major and minor foreign investment, major tourism, major investment of foreign jobs stopped and came to an end precisely in Cork, Ireland and any evil men or evil women who tried to travel there or move there to work or study again got removed (not Ireland though only Cork in Ireland) and pulverized thereafter until such a time where Cork and all the countries of the world removed the remaining evil men and evil women from Cork city and Cork county in Ireland precisely, a process which speeded up as the days went by according to Bible Prophecy where Jesus Christ said when he was here in the flesh over 2000 years ago that things would speed up not slow down in the end of days of grace amen.
  • God is real and people know he is real, that is the truth, everything in culture in society is obsessed with God which proves he is real even by the standards of the small few people who claim he is not.
  • You can achieve anything with hard work and dedication, the world’s systems and cultures are but an illusion in reality.
  • God is real, he is near you right now. Just look out the window and look up and you will see what we mean by that.
  • Israel is the apple of his eye, he made a convent with the land of Israel and it belongs to him and the real Jews (144,000) at the end. Jesus Christ will explain it all when he is here. The reason he made a convent with the land of Israel is because he knew humans would keep screwing up towards the end of the world’s days of grace before the 1000 year reign of his only son, Jesus Christ. ‘The nation is like a mighty lion; When it is sleeping, no one dares wake it. Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.’
  • Elon Musk’s X app which is now the biggest social media app, news platform and social media site in the world for number of users per Similar Web will continue to grow hugely and be a massive success easily selling for a big profit on the initial valuation he bought it for easy no worries.
  • Once you realized you were lied to your entire life after all the years of evil and lies you simply stop caring about evil at that point. God and the King James Version Bible of the New Testament where available, that is the preference but the Old Testament is important too — are all that matter in the end. Really. Let that sink in.
  • All the evil and lies is ultimately paid back. Stay sober and vigilant and clean in the spirit before the end. That goes for all believers in God. By the way it is not the end. Not the end of the world. No, no. Far from it. It is the beginning.
  • Life is a journey for everyone of ups and downs (more ups though if you look back on it, okay then) to learn respect and humility for God — as without God none of us are of any importance.
  • Well done to Russia for banning the Satanic Temple from their country as an extremist organization in 2024. The United States, Ukrainian governments and many other governments will follow at some point. The Satanic Temple is an evil organization in the US the root of most of the problems America has. 100%.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ in the end what is true is that the evil/wicked people in the world are the 0.001 per cent of society which is a tiny number compared to the rest of civilization, they just make noise and distraction. That’s all. What is true is that people should not care about being (perceived to be) rejected by this tiny 0.001 per cent of evil people in society in reality. That’s how small they are compared to everyone else. What is in fact true is that tiny number of people are actually obsessed with God and everything he does and are his biggest fans and would do anything to be accepted by him. Think about that. Ultimately, the saddest thing of all is they don’t actually believe their own evil or lies of Satan — they know only God can save them from oblivion and they know Satan is a defeated foe and simply doesn’t compare to him, as nothing compares to him, as Sinead O’Connor from Dublin, Ireland once said in her song nothing compares to you and Tina Turner from Tennessee, USA said another time You’re Simply The Best Better than all the rest Better than anyone. Alas, much respect to all the good people in the world in all countries who don’t have that evil spirit **** in them, it is garbage, no one needs those evil spirits in them at all it is rubbish amen.
  • Genuine followers of Jesus Christ (across all denominations of Christianity), genuine Jews and genuine Muslims are all great friends, billions of them, think about that. None of you are alone you outnumber the evil by a crazy amount in this planet. The evil people are only the 0.001 per cent of society in reality. Think about that.
  • Alas, connecting the dots and putting the pieces of the spiritual worldwide jigsaw together only comes from testing the spirits, prayer and time.
  • The Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered Hamas 5 million US dollars per hostage to be released unharmed on November 19th 2024 this proves he is genuine and it is not a forever war perpetuated by the West or some elites. The hostages are still not freed since they were taken from Israel in October 2023. This financial offer shows everything now and is a lot of money in total for all the safe release of the remaining hostages. In the name of Jesus Christ any country that attempts to arrest Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will fail and that country will be dealt with in a severe manner by God and his angels and all the other countries of the world amen. So be it.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ Pope Francis real name Jorge Mario Bergogolio of Rome/Vatican City is the false prophet and will be the last Pope ever he will bring in the Anti-Christ who will initially come as a fake man of peace and fake empathy. Bergogolio on his own however is more evil than Hitler or any tyrant in history you ever heard of so far. Easily. By far. He is evil. The following below are evil scam sites of his and the Vatican’s that will be legally weakened further and taken out of use mostly in the future (only in November 2024 Pope Francis real name Mario Bergogolio said in Singapore all religions are a way to God this is wrong the only way to God is through Jesus Christ or the Jews at the end) and amen.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ the final, last and the main anti-Christ who will bring in the mark of the beast half way through a 7 year reign of evil at the end of days of grace revealed is: Nero. Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (/ˈnɪəroʊ/ NEER-oh; born Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus; 15 December AD 37 – 9 June AD 68) was a Roman emperor and the final emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, reigning from AD 54 until his death in AD 68. Nero’s evil spirit will be released from hell for 7 years to dwell in a man who will be the Anti-Christ along with Satan dwelling in him from time to time as well.
  • Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
  • Revelation 12:7-9 “Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.”
  • Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
  • Genesis 3:20 “The man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.”
  • Genesis 2:16-17 “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”
  • Revelation 22:16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”
  • Revelation 21:1-27 “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” …
  • You’re welcome.
evil men and women of cork ireland proper dead dead gone gone

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