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Pope Francis Of Vatican/Rome City Real Name Jorge Mario Bergoglio Is The False Prophet and 2nd Most Evil Man In History 10 Times Worse Than Hitler

Pope Francis Of Vatican/Rome City Real Name Jorge Mario Bergoglio Is The False Prophet and 2nd Most Evil Man In History 10 Times Worse Than Hitler

First off, there are many genuine real believers/followers of Jesus Christ who are Catholics. Nothing against Catholics, big respect to many of them who are not of Satan.

However, the Institution is evil and corrupt to the core and its leader, current Pope Francis, real name Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina who Italy unforgivably (that country will never, ever be forgiven for that letting that dog animal into Italy and Europe) let into their country and is the sole reason why many don’t go to Italy anymore, him, Bergoglio, nothing else. As regards him, he is the False Prophet who will usher in the Anti-Christ at the end of days of grace (before the 1000 year Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ) in the final 7 year tribulation before King Jesus Christ comes back to save the world and throw him and the Anti-Christ (the two beasts referred to in The Book of Revelation) into the Lake of Fire.

For clarification on this Argentinian, some comments from Bergoglio recently that prove he is garbage again, and, what is great to see, is that people finally all around the world are waking up to him being evil garbage at long last and see through him:

None of the above is true nor what the Bible says the only way to the father God is through the son Jesus Christ no one comes to the father except through the son, by the way, Bible sales are exploding in growth all over the world at the moment as 2024 draws to an end, a new revolution in Jesus Christ and new numbers for him from young people in Gen Z adults worldwide who are turning away from evil spirits more and more — and there is huge uprising in numbers of new followers of Jesus Christ in Iran not being reported in the West. The Bible was already the highest selling book of all time before this new revolution of Jesus Christ worldwide per the above Washington Times article on massive increases in bible sales surging as more see through the false prophet Pope above per:

Finally, let us break down the above on this weakening individual from Argentina with some facts:

  • Wrong. God loves everyone but not everyone is a child of God. They were picked out from the beginning of all things and creations. You can become a child of God however at anytime for free even right now if you want. Only by following Jesus Christ and believing in him.
  • The only way to the father God is through the son Jesus Christ. Not through Mary. The bible says nowhere to pray to Mary. You are to pray only to Jesus Christ. Only he can save you. No one else. Heaven or Hell are the only two places you can go.
  • All religions are not paths to God. Again the only way to the father God is through the son Jesus Christ. That is the only way in these times (since Jesus Christ came here in the flesh) to get to heaven. The only other way is at the end of the 7 year tribulation the 144,000 real Jews.
  • It has taken many years to weaken Bergoglio’s evil network in Italy, Rome, Europe and South America and nuns and priests are going to jail all the time, and also disappearing mysteriously where no one knows what happened them, not just in Italy. Bergoglio’s network in the city of Rome and Italy is being completely annihilated in all ways at present with the most powerful people here on Earth, also weakening his entities in the Vatican legally, cyber and technologically in a full attack on him and his network.
  • Bergoglio never usually talks about heaven or hell, or demons or the demonic, Jesus Christ talked about all of them regularly when he was here in the flesh on Earth.
  • Bergoglio mentions Jesus by name at times as ‘Jesus’ and ‘Christ’ but Bergoglio never says or declares ‘Jesus is Lord’ or anything like ‘Jesus Christ is King’ or that ‘Jesus Christ is lord and savior’ in the same sentence. When he mentions Lord or God to him he is speaking about something else.
  • Bergoglio never mentions the Book of Revelation at the end of the New Testament or Genesis at the start of the Old Testament or the war in heaven before that where Lucifer was thrown out of heaven forever — in his references to any of the Bible.
  • Some say there is art in everything in life. Some men’s art is death. In the name of Jesus Christ God is about to paint his masterpiece of death on Bergoglio’s evil network before 2024 is finished amen.

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